Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Prov. 27:20 Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied.  NLT

       There are some things in life you can count on; death is one of them.  No one will escape death unless it’s those who are taken to heaven when the Lord returns.  Death is no respecter of people.  No matter what kind of life is lived, all will die.  You will die.  Knowing that death is going to happen, it ought to cause us to think about it and what God says about it.  No one is guaranteed another day, another moment.  You may not finish reading this devotional today.  Are you at peace with what is going to happen to you when you die?  Are you ready to face God and give an account for how and why you have lived like you do?

       Destruction is another certain reality.  Destruction is the natural by-product of sin.  Sin destroys.  It comes in various ways and times.  It is unavoidable, but we don’t have to be victims of it.  We can rise above the forces of destruction when we stay focused in Christ.  Things may not go well for us and we may suffer greatly, but in Christ we have victory over all things.  We can handle whatever we face when Jesus is Lord of life.

      Human desire is something else that never ends.  God created us with natural desires that must be dealt with constantly.  God gave us desires for the things that sustain us and keeps us going.  Our desires are never satisfied because our needs never go away.  It is true in every area of our lives.  We are a needy people.  The only time we will cease to have need is when we die.  Our greatest need is our need for the Lord.  If we know the Lord we know just how much we constantly need Him.  We need His constant presence and influence in our lives.  If we lose grip on Him we quickly fall into the cesspool of sin.  A life of soul destruction is just a sin away.  When we cave in and let sin into our souls, it soon grows and takes over.  We must be diligent guardians of our souls.  We need the Lord.

      Have you gotten lax about your soul?  Has sin crept in?  Today is the day of repentance for you.  You may not live long enough to have another chance to repent.  The Lord guarantees forgiveness for all who come to Him humbly, confess their sins, and seek His forgiveness.  Is your heart right with God today? 

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