Sunday, April 8, 2018


Prov. 16:2  People may be pure in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their motives.  NLT

      It is so easy to convince ourselves that we are better than we really are.  The longer we live by faith, the more likely we are to dismiss the thought that we have a sin problem.  We tend to scoff at the idea that we need to identify and deal with sin in our lives.  Confession is for the “bad” people and not us “good” guys.  One of Satan’s most effective weapons is to keep us off our knees in humility and repentance.

      God says we have a sin problem.  He makes it very clear as we read His Word that all of us fall short of His holiness.  No one can claim before God that he is holy like God is.  In God’s eyes, all have sinned and are unable to keep away from it.

    We can never be good enough to be holy enough to not let sin into our lives.  The Lord exposes the sin in our hearts and calls us to repentance.  He whose heart is right with God will agree with God about his sin and deal with it before God.  He will, with God’s help, endeavor to get a handle on his sin problem and minimize his sinning.  It is a lifetime cooperation with God and the task never ends on earth.  We are a work in progress and God’s work in us to make us holy will not get done until we get to heaven.  

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