Monday, October 30, 2017



Ps. 5:8  Lead me in the right path, O LORD, or my enemies will conquer me.  Tell me clearly what to do, and show me which way to turn.

     This is a prayer the Lord will answer every time in a positive way.  He will never say no to this type of a prayer.  The Lord wants us to walk on the right path, the path that leads us to God.  This path is often a difficult one and is not traveled by most.  It is a path that often times is obscured so that we can’t see very far ahead of us.  On this path we must rely heavily on the Lord to help us stay on it.  We have to take one step at a time so we don’t stumble and fall.  We have to be determined to stay on it and keep ourselves in good shape so we don’t give up when things get difficult, and they will.  This path is not for the weak or faint of heart; they simply will not persevere.  The Lord will do for us what we cannot do.  He will keep us on track, if we let Him.

     The Lord is our navigator.  We must always seek Him for guidance.  He will never leave us in the dark.  He will show us clearly what we should be doing and how to get to where we are going.  He knows the way home, for He is the way and has already blazed the trail for us.  As long as we let Him lead us, we won’t make wrong turns and wander away from God.

     Always remember this, whenever we strike out on our own we will make wrong turns.  And every wrong turn we take leads us into the wilderness where we will lose our way.  We cannot stay in clear view of Christ when we wander away from Him and strike out on our own.

      In order to stay on the path that leads to God, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our salvation.

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