Thursday, May 28, 2020


II Tim. 2:16,17a  Avoid godless, foolish discussions that lead to more and more ungodliness. This kind of talk spreads like cancer.  NLT
      There's a lot to talk about isn't there? People talk about everything, nothing is too holy or degrading to express our opinions on. Some things are good for us to discuss, and some things are bad for us. Scripture reminds us over and over again to think about the things that edify us and draw us closer to God. We also are reminded that we speak what is in our hearts. If our heart is right with God, our talk with be alright with Him.
      Any conversation that glorifies sin or degrades others is godless talk. Any conversation that just goes around in circles and goes nowhere is foolish talk. There are many good things to talk about that are not spiritual in nature and there is nothing wrong with it. But when our talk is governed by our sinful nature, we must take responsibility for it and allow the Lord to change us.
     We know how fast word gets around. We like to repeat what we think we hear, whether we hear it right or not. We pass on what we think we heard as being gospel. We interject our own words and often change the intent of the original conversation. Each person who hears what has been repeated filters it through their own minds and passes it on. Before you know it, it's all over town and way off base from what was really said. Often this scenario happens at the expense of the original parties. Like cancer, it can destroy the reputation or character of innocent people.
     Godless, foolish discussions are cancerous discussions.  They eat away and destroy relationships.  There is nothing good that comes from them and they should be avoided whenever they pop up.  They only add fuel to the fire of negativity and they breed ungodliness. 
     So, heed today's advice. Watch your heart, mind, and tongue. Let the Spirit control you. Let Him guide you. Let Him teach you the things of God. Strive to let nothing but good and helpful things come out of your mouth. If you do these things, God will be well-pleased.

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