Phil. 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ. NLT
Before I speak about these verses from a spiritual perspective, I want to address the physical. Sometimes the tendency to worry is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. When there is a constant compulsion to worry over everything, I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about it. Sometimes medications will help immensely by supplying what is lacking in the brain. If you cannot control your tendency to worry, please see your doctor. It is important that we don't ignore the physical causes of things and spiritualize everything. Our bodies are fragile and sometimes simply lack what it takes to act and think "normally." We must be discerning and address our physical needs when we recognize them. With this in mind, let me now address the spiritual application of these verses.
Are you a worrier? Do you spend too much time stewing over things that have not happened yet, or things that you simply have no control over? If you are, cut it out! Today's text is quite clear; don't worry about anything. Worrying robs you of the joy of living. It robs you of the Lord's fellowship. It makes you a prisoner of circumstances instead of a victor over them. Worrying causes you to stop trusting in the Lord and His ability to handle things. When we worry, we are assuming that we are in control and can do something about things that we can't control.
Instead of worrying, we need to pray about everything. Turn to the Lord and let Him handle things. He alone knows what to do. He knows how to work things out for the best. He knows the right timing for things to happen. The Lord does not need our help. He is able to do what we can't do. Tell Him what concerns you and then trust Him with it. Thank Him for taking the load off of your shoulders. Thank Him for He always does that which pleases God. We don't always get it right, but He does. Thank Him for all He has already done and know that He never changes and will continue to do things right.
When you let God carry the load and determine the outcome of things, you will know the peace of God. You will experience a peace in the midst of the uncertainties and concerns of life that no human mind can grasp. It may not make any sense at all how it can be so, but there will be a peace that floods the soul and protects the mind from falling into the bottomless pit of worrisome living.
Jesus is able to calm your mind and soul and give you peace in place of your worries. Will you let Him?
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