Phil. 4:4-5 Always be full of joy in the Lord, I say it again--rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. NLT
ALWAYS be full of joy in the Lord??? Sounds like something that is impossible to do, doesn’t it? We have occasions when we are joyful, but always? I don’t know of anyone who can say honestly say that they are always joyful. But, wait a minute. Is that what Paul is saying here? Reread his admonition. He says to always be full of joy, not to always be joyful. There is a difference.
To be full of joy means that we are always mindful of our salvation, that we always appreciate what the Lord has done for us. We lose our joy when we lose our sense of what Jesus has done for us. It means that we are aware that our sins are forgiven and forgotten by God for all of eternity.
To be full of joy means that we don’t take for granted God’s mercies and grace. It means we are staying in fellowship with the Lord and not letting worldly influences rob us of fellowship with Him. It means we value highly the life we have in Christ and our sights are set on heavenly things. No one who is Christ-centered and Christ-focused will be anything but full of joy.
Sure, there are times in which we won’t feel joyful, but that doesn’t change a thing. Emotions come and go depending on circumstances, but circumstances should never determine our gratitude and focus. We must choose to be appreciative when things are going bad.
An attitude of gratitude is contagious. Others will notice in us something that is different and wonderful when we are Christ-focused. Our lives will be witnesses for Him because very few people have such an attitude in life. Jesus is coming soon. Let us redeem the time while we have it and let others see Christ in us. Let the world see our joy for our salvation regardless of the circumstances we are in.
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