Phil. 4:9 Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and heard from me and saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you. NLT
Notice that Paul says we are to keep on putting into practice the things we learn. Walking in faith is a moment-by-moment, step-by-step way of life in Christ. There is no slacking off time. If we are going to be at peace with God, we have to pursue Him all the time. We must always be aware of God and what He is doing to help us live lives that are pleasing and acceptable to Him.
The Lord speaks to us through the teaching and preaching of others. We hear things that increase our understanding of God and His Word. We are exposed in many different ways to the Word. What we hear and read should never be dismissed. We need to meditate on what we hear so we can apply it to our lives.
The Lord sometimes speaks to us through the living of others. We watch those who are living the walk of faith victoriously and discover that we too can do it. We need to imitate the faith of those whom we respect. And, if we don’t know how they do it, we need to ask them. We need to know that if others can do it, we too can do it. In fact, because others are doing it, we have no excuse. We can learn much if we pay attention to those around us. We MUST live godly lives if we are going to be right with God.
The wonderful news is that as we keep on learning and growing, the Lord himself will always be with us. He will always be at our side to encourage and help us. His presence will give us peace in the midst of the chaos of life around us.
There is no cruising to heaven; we must keep on living out faith each and every day of our lives.
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