Phil. 3:17 Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. NLT
Can you honestly encourage others to pattern their lives after yours? Are you confident enough in the righteousness of your heart that you would recommend to people you love and know that they become like you?
I believe that every believer in Christ should be able to encourage others to follow in their footsteps. I believe that we should be pursuing the things of God in such a way that we are examples of how it is done. I believe that our lives in public, as well as in private, should be worthy of being imitated. We should have no secrets to hide from the public eye. We should be consistently faithful to the Lord and always striving to please Him. Our conduct and conversation should back up what we proclaim.
We teach others by the way we live about faith, good or bad. Those who observe us will draw conclusions about faith based on what they see and hear. Our lives will either inspire others to take seriously faith or to consider it not worth doing. Some souls will make eternal decisions for Christ based on how we live. It’s a sobering thought that we must take seriously. We never know who is watching us.
Learn from those who are living godly lives and teach others by your godly living. Be a pattern maker. Show others how it is done. Let Christ always be seen in and through you.
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