Monday, March 10, 2025




Phil. 4:9 Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and heard from me and saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you. NLT

Coming to faith is not a one shot deal. It begins at Calvary, but does not end there. Faith is an ongoing process; it's a way of life. For many, faith ends at Calvary. The idea is that once we put our faith in Christ, we are home free. We accept Jesus as our Savior and then get on with the rest of our lives. We get the idea that it doesn't matter how we live because we are now covered by grace. We are careless about sin and think that it's okay because we said some words at the foot of the cross.

The clear admonition of Scripture is that we must continue to put into practice our faith in Christ. It is more than words; it is a life we live. We must keep putting into practice the things we learn about. We can't let the teachings of the Word go in one ear and out the other. We learn from the Word so we can live the Word. The key to successful living in Christ is to learn from Him and apply what we learn to life. When we do this, the God of peace will be with us. God gives us peaceful and contented hearts when we live out His Word by faith.

Are you learning and living the Word of God? There is no end to what we can and need to learn from God. Study to show yourself approved by God, a child whom He never needs to be ashamed of. Let others see what you have learned by how you live.

Sunday, March 9, 2025




Phil. 4:8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter; Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. NLT

Most of us are familiar with this verse of Scripture. We quote it to each other and agree that it is true. Yet, so many of us don’t put it into practice. We let our thoughts be occupied by so many other things. We relegate our spiritual thoughts to set times and places in our lives. We wait until it is time to focus on spiritual things before we seriously consider them. Is it any wonder that so many of us struggle to live godly lives?

We should always be controlled by thoughts that build us up. We should be dwelling on those things that help us to grow in faith. We should be blocking out those thoughts that hinder us from growing. We should consistently be exposed to helpful things. We should give careful thought to helpful insights and learn from them how to better live out our faith. We should not take lightly or dismiss those things the Lord shows us that will help us. Thinking about edifying things should be a normal part of our living.

There is so much to learn about ourselves, faith and the Lord. We need to be observant and take note of God’s revelations throughout our daily lives. He speaks to us in a wide variety of ways. Wise is he who notices those things and learns from them.

If you are a slow learner and find that you are not growing in faith as you should, ask the Lord to open up your eyes that you might see, your ears that you might hear and your mind that you might think about the things He wants to teach you today and every day of your life.

Saturday, March 8, 2025




Phil. 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ. NLT

Before I speak about these verses from a spiritual perspective, I want to address the physical. Sometimes the tendency to worry is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. When there is a constant compulsion to worry over everything, I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about it. Sometimes medications will help immensely by supplying what is lacking in the brain. If you cannot control your tendency to worry, please see your doctor. It is important that we don't ignore the physical causes of things and spiritualize everything. Our bodies are fragile and sometimes simply lack what it takes to act and think "normally." We must be discerning and address our physical needs when we recognize them. With this in mind, let me now address the spiritual application of these verses.

Are you a worrier? Do you spend too much time stewing over things that have not happened yet, or things that you simply have no control over? If you are, cut it out! Today's text is quite clear; don't worry about anything. Worrying robs you of the joy of living. It robs you of the Lord's fellowship. It makes you a prisoner of circumstances instead of a victor over them. Worrying causes you to stop trusting in the Lord and His ability to handle things. When we worry, we are assuming that we are in control and can do something about things that we can't control.

Instead of worrying, we need to pray about everything. Turn to the Lord and let Him handle things. He alone knows what to do. He knows how to work things out for the best. He knows the right timing for things to happen. The Lord does not need our help. He is able to do what we can't do. Tell Him what concerns you and then trust Him with it. Thank Him for taking the load off of your shoulders. Thank Him for He always does that which pleases God. We don't always get it right, but He does. Thank Him for all He has already done and know that He never changes and will continue to do things right.

When you let God carry the load and determine the outcome of things, you will know the peace of God. You will experience a peace in the midst of the uncertainties and concerns of life that no human mind can grasp. It may not make any sense at all how it can be so, but there will be a peace that floods the soul and protects the mind from falling into the bottomless pit of worrisome living.

Jesus is able to calm your mind and soul and give you peace in place of your worries. Will you let Him?

Friday, March 7, 2025




Phil. 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. NLT

The key to peace with God is simple: don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Simple, but not very easy to do. Have you gotten to the point yet where you never worry? Let’s be honest; worrying is our natural response when we face the unknown with no control of the outcome. We have to really work hard to get to the point where we are able to totally trust in the Lord and not worry. Being connected to the Lord consistently through prayer helps us to trust Him unconditionally. The more time that we spend with Him, the better we get to know Him. And the better we get to know the Lord, the more likely it is that we will not worry about things but simply trust Him.

There is no getting around this truth. Peace with God comes from humbly waiting on God. We take all of our needs to Him. All means all. Whatever your need may be, God is able to meet it. No matter how big or small of a matter it may be, tell God about it and let Him take care of it.

When you pray, do it with thanksgiving. Thank the Lord for all He has already done in your life. The more conscious you are of God’s faithfulness in the past, the more apt you will be to trust Him today and in all your tomorrows. Thank Him for your present and thank Him for your future. God is with you always, so give Him thanks.

The peace that comes from trusting God with all your needs is something that cannot be adequately expressed in words. It has to be experienced to be understood. It is a peace that can only be known by those who trust in God.

When God’s peace captivates the soul, it protects our hearts and minds as we walk with the Lord. We become so enamored by God that we do not chase after those things which lead us astray and rob us of peace and joy. When we are Christ-filled and centered, we have peace that anchors the soul in the midst of the worst storms of life. It is a peace that the world cannot take away.

Thursday, March 6, 2025




Phil. 4:4-5 Always be full of joy in the Lord, I say it again--rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. NLT

ALWAYS be full of joy in the Lord??? Sounds like something that is impossible to do, doesn’t it? We have occasions when we are joyful, but always? I don’t know of anyone who can say honestly say that they are always joyful. But, wait a minute. Is that what Paul is saying here? Reread his admonition. He says to always be full of joy, not to always be joyful. There is a difference.

To be full of joy means that we are always mindful of our salvation, that we always appreciate what the Lord has done for us. We lose our joy when we lose our sense of what Jesus has done for us. It means that we are aware that our sins are forgiven and forgotten by God for all of eternity.

To be full of joy means that we don’t take for granted God’s mercies and grace. It means we are staying in fellowship with the Lord and not letting worldly influences rob us of fellowship with Him. It means we value highly the life we have in Christ and our sights are set on heavenly things. No one who is Christ-centered and Christ-focused will be anything but full of joy.

Sure, there are times in which we won’t feel joyful, but that doesn’t change a thing. Emotions come and go depending on circumstances, but circumstances should never determine our gratitude and focus. We must choose to be appreciative when things are going bad.

An attitude of gratitude is contagious. Others will notice in us something that is different and wonderful when we are Christ-focused. Our lives will be witnesses for Him because very few people have such an attitude in life. Jesus is coming soon. Let us redeem the time while we have it and let others see Christ in us. Let the world see our joy for our salvation regardless of the circumstances we are in.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025




Phil. 4:5 Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember the Lord is coming soon. NLT

Are you a considerate person? Another word for considerate is kindness. It is being aware of how others feel and acting accordingly. It is treating others with respect. It is being willing to sacrifice for others. It is the willingness to alter your own agenda for the sake of others. A considerate person cares about others.

Is it even possible to live in Christ and not be a considerate person? I don't think it can be done. The very nature of Christ is to reach out and touch others. He is always seeking to involve himself in the lives of others and help them simply because He loves them. Jesus is working hard to lift people up and not tear them down. Jesus is compelled by love to do all He can to save us.

The more we let Christ become our Lord, the more like Him we become. God's goal is not to save us and then move on to the next person. His goal is to save us and then become our Lord. We are to grow into maturity of faith and become like Jesus, and that means that we will become considerate in all we do.

We dare not mess around and wait before we let Jesus be Lord of our lives. He is coming back soon and then it will be too late. Our opportunity to become like Jesus and do that which is good is now. Let Jesus be seen in you. Show the world that you are a child of God by the way you treat others while there is still time to do it.

Show them the Savior and perhaps by your example some will be saved before Jesus comes.

Monday, March 3, 2025




Phil. 4:4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again---rejoice! NLT

Always be full of joy in the Lord. Always? Is it possible to always be full of joy in the Lord? It must be, otherwise why would the Word tell us to do it? Perhaps then we need to consider what it means to have joy in the Lord. Maybe our understanding is messed up. Joy and happiness are not the same thing. Joy is much deeper than happiness. Happiness is more of a momentary feeling of elation. It depends on what is happening at the moment. It is a sense of gladness that we are in the moment.

Joy has more to do with an abiding contentment. It is the sense that all is well with us regardless of the moment. It has more to do with wellness of life. Joy is gladness that we are in life’s moments, regardless of whether the moment is good or bad. Joy is the knowledge that all is well because God is in control of life and us in it. It is the resting in God's presence. It is keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and not our momentary circumstances. It is knowing it is well with my soul.

Growing up we used to sing the song, Constantly Abiding. To me, that is what real joy is, constantly abiding in Christ through all that life brings us.

It is possible to always be full of joy in the Lord. We can be so connected to Him that we are not swayed by life's circumstances. We can abide in Him and know we can trust Him to be with us and see us through anything we encounter. We can live without having to struggle to maintain control of what is going on in or around us. We can live content to accept the ebbs and flows of life without worrying about them. We can enjoy life because we know the Lord is with us in it. It is joyful living.

Joy can only be a reality when we live in close fellowship with the Lord. The more we abide in His presence, the more joy will fill our souls. Jesus is our song to sing. Let us always rejoice in Him.

Sunday, March 2, 2025




Phil. 3:17 Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. NLT

Can you honestly encourage others to pattern their lives after yours? Are you confident enough in the righteousness of your heart that you would recommend to people you love and know that they become like you?

I believe that every believer in Christ should be able to encourage others to follow in their footsteps. I believe that we should be pursuing the things of God in such a way that we are examples of how it is done. I believe that our lives in public, as well as in private, should be worthy of being imitated. We should have no secrets to hide from the public eye. We should be consistently faithful to the Lord and always striving to please Him. Our conduct and conversation should back up what we proclaim.

We teach others by the way we live about faith, good or bad. Those who observe us will draw conclusions about faith based on what they see and hear. Our lives will either inspire others to take seriously faith or to consider it not worth doing. Some souls will make eternal decisions for Christ based on how we live. It’s a sobering thought that we must take seriously. We never know who is watching us.

Learn from those who are living godly lives and teach others by your godly living. Be a pattern maker. Show others how it is done. Let Christ always be seen in and through you.

Saturday, March 1, 2025




Phil. 3:15-16 I hope all of you who are mature Christians will agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. But we must be sure to obey the truth we have learned already. NLT

Paul's emphasis has been on our setting our hearts and minds on Christ who is before us and letting go and forgetting all those things which are behind us. Our priority as Christians is living in Christ alone. He should consume us to the point where we no longer have the time or desire to live in the past. We must learn that the more time we spend in the past takes away from the time we spend in Christ in the present. Living in the past drains us and robs us of the joy of our salvation today and the anticipation of our completed salvation in the future.

We must strive to always live in the truth of God's Word as He reveals it to us. We shouldn't get caught up in what we don't know and understand. We just must be sure to obey that which we do know already. And what we do know is that Jesus has washed away our past sins from His memory. He has shown us how we can overcome our sinfulness today. And, He is in heaven waiting to embrace us after we have run the good race and fought the good fight of faith.

These basic truths of the faith bind us together. Let us not let ourselves become distracted by other things. Let us agree to move forward together for the glory of Christ and not our own. If we do these things, we will not get bogged down by our sinful behavior and all that distracts us. We will move forward as one for the glory of Christ on earth. Together we will make a difference for Christ, divided we will make little impact.

God has made it very plain; our rallying point is at the foot of the cross. He unites us together in Christ. We must not forget that this is the central truth of the Gospel. Everything else is the fine print. We must always strive to obey the simple truth of the Gospel, Jesus is Savior and Lord of all.