Sunday, August 4, 2019


Romans 5:3-4 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us to learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation.  NLT

       It is easy to gloss over these verses without really embracing them.  We know problems and trials are a part of living.  We know that they are unwelcome intrusions in our lives.  None of us purposely goes out seeking after them.  If we had our way, they would not exist at all.

       But wait a minute.  The Lord says that they are good for us.  In other words, if we don’t have problems and trials along the way it is bad for us.  How can that be?  How can life’s difficulties be good for us?

       It is when we go through life’s difficulties that our character is formed.  We need to go through suffering in order to develop strong character.  We need strong character in order to make it to the end of our lives with confidence in our salvation.  We need tough times to help us to learn to lean on Christ for our strength and power instead of our own.  We need to learn that the Lord is dependable to help us.  We need to learn that the Lord is always true to His Word. 

       As unpleasant as problems and trials may be, think about the bigger picture when they come your way.  Understand that God uses them to help us.  Learn to appreciate them for they are always good for us in the long run.  Learn to give the Lord thanks for them and for His presence with you through them all.

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