Monday, August 5, 2019


Rom. 5:8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.   NLT

       The wonder of salvation is this: while we were still sinners, Christ came and died for us. Thousands of years had passed since Adam and Eve first sinned. Man had become quite the sinner. There wasn't anything that was beyond his ability to do against God. He had pushed God to the limits of his patience time and time again. Mankind did not deserve a Savior! He deserved judgment, not mercy.

      Yet, in spite of what we had become and deserved, God sent Jesus to be our Savior. He loved us in spite of the fact we were so unlovable. He loved us, even though we had spurned Him and gone our own wicked ways. Don't ask me how He could have such a love for us, I can't even begin to fathom it. All I know is that God loves us with that kind of love.

      Because of sin, we are not able to love God. God first loves us and draws us to himself so that He can pour out His love into our hearts. We can only love Him through Jesus' love. When Jesus forgives us, we then can love God and experience forgiveness from God, for ourselves, and for others. There is no way to know what true love is apart from the love of God as displayed through the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord.

       Do you know the love and forgiveness of God today?  Do you?  Do you know that God so loved you that He let Jesus die in your place on the cross of Calvary so your sins could be forgiven?  Do you know that what kept Jesus on the cross was not the nails, but His love for you? 

      Oh, the wonder of it all that God loves you and me!  Such amazing love, how can it be?  I don’t know, but that is the God we serve.  Never forget, Jesus went to hell and back for you.  What are you doing for Him?

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