Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Rom. 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.  NLT
      The emphasis is on God. God causes everything to work together for our good. It is God who does the work and everything God does is done right. God does everything perfectly and in love. Nothing that God works out in our lives is a mistake. He has perfect knowledge and does what is best for us. We may not see it or understand it, but nevertheless it is true. God alone knows what we need to experience and know in order for our lives to become all that He has planned for us to be.
      God's work in us is like pieces of a puzzle. Individually the events of life may not seem to be good for us, but when put together with the rest of our lives, they fit perfectly and make perfect sense. We cannot see the completed picture because of the seemingly chaotic mess of the pieces strewn all over the place. But, God sees the whole picture and knows where each piece goes.
      These truths apply to all who love the Lord and are living in relationship to Him. Don't let the events of life throw you. God is in control and will complete the puzzle of your life. When He is done putting all the pieces together, it will be a beautiful picture indeed. Let the Lord do all He desires to do with your life and you will be amazed at how beautiful of a person you will become. You will be like a bride fit for a King.

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