Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Rom. 6:1-2 Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more kindness and forgiveness? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? NLT

      A child of God in whom God lives does not live in sin. His attitude changes towards sin when Jesus changes his heart. Sin becomes our enemy, not our friend. We no longer can be comfortable when we sin. We no longer can ignore it. We no longer can excuse it or justify it. Sin becomes a very deep thorn in our hearts that causes us much pain as long as it is there. How can it be anything less? Sin is what put Jesus on the cross. It is the only reason why He had to suffer and die. It is the only thing that could have caused God to turn His eyes away from His Son for the longest three hours history has ever known.

       Indeed, how can a true child of God knowingly continue to live in sin? How dare we take such a light perspective on the life and death of Christ!! He who loves Christ will hate the sin that put Him on the cross! We cannot live in sin and when we do sin, we flee to the Lord for forgiveness. If we don't have a godly attitude towards sin, we don't have God at work in our lives. He changes the way we think about sin.

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