Eph. 3:16 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources, he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. NLT
There are ample resources in heaven to help you get the strength in spirit you need to handle whatever you face in life. God is able to help you become the spiritual giant that you are not now. He is able to help you stand steadfast and true no matter what Satan may throw at you. He is able to redirect your thoughts to Him and get your mind off of the things of earth that hinder you. He is able to change the desires of your heart so that you will long for the things of God and not the things of the earth. He is able to help you live in the present with an eye for your future instead of your past. The Lord can strength you where you are weak in faith. He is able to make you strong so that you can be an effective witness for Him in the world.
The issue is not God’s ability; the question is our willingness to let Him. The Lord will not work in us to make us strong against our will. He will not do anything for us if we don’t give Him permission to do so. Our natural tendency is to resist the work that God needs to do in us to make us strong.
Pray that your heart will be willing to let the Lord have His way in you and pray the same prayer for all those you know who are in Christ. Pray for inner strength, the strength to stand strong in the face of temptation without yielding to it. Pray for strength to open your mouth and speak up for the Lord when you have the chance. Pray for the strength to not compromise truth when it’s to your advantage to do so. Pray for the strength to never give up giving the Lord your very best as long as you have breath to breathe.
With the Lord’s strength and constant presence, there is nothing that can stop us from being salt and light in the world.
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