Monday, January 27, 2025




Eph. 3:19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand. NLT

It is my prayer for you today that you experience the love of Christ. I pray that you will know that Jesus loves you. It is my hope for you that no matter what you may be going through in your life that you know you are loved by God. It is so easy to become so entangled by the circumstances of life that we lose sight of the fact that we are loved by God. I want you to know that Jesus loves you. He really does. I want for you today that you be overwhelmed by the realness of His love. I want for you that you never doubt the fact that not only did Jesus love you from the cross, He loves you from His throne in heaven today.

There is no understanding of the magnitude or depth of His love. We cannot begin to fathom just how great the love of God for us is. It is so overpowering and overwhelming that no one can understand it. All we can do is enjoy it.

It is my prayer for you today that you take a bath in His love, that you let it soak deeply into your soul and that you let it permeate everything you do today as you live amongst men. God’s love is a fact and not a feeling. You are loved unconditionally all the time. You are loved in a way that no one else can love you.

When you are down and feel lonely and unloved, remember: God loves you. No matter how unloved you may think you are, God loves you far beyond anything you can imagine. When others forsake you and make you feel unwanted or welcome in their lives, God loves you and welcomes you with open arms.

It is my prayer that you will open your heart up wide today and let the love of God for you flood your soul.

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