Eph. 3:12 Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come fearlessly into God’s presence, assured of his glad welcome. NLT
If you have a high regard for God in his holiness, you may also have a fear of coming into His presence. It is very clear that God is holy and will never allow sin into His presence. He condemns all who live in sin and can never embrace them in righteousness. It should cause us much fear to approach God when we are not holy.
However, Jesus came and did for us what we could not do. He made us holy so that we could approach God. When He forgives our sins, He replaces our sin with His righteousness and holiness. He makes us approachable to God. We have nothing to fear as we approach God as long as we live in Christ. Only with Jesus standing between God and us are we able to draw near to God. Anyone who tries to enter into the presence of God without Christ will be turned away long before they ever draw near. God cannot have anything to do with a sin-infested heart.
When we approach God with Jesus as our Savior, God welcomes us gladly. He reaches out for us and embraces us in His love. We come under His protective care and forever find our pleasure in Him. All may approach God, but not without Christ, the forgiver of our sins and our wisdom, righteousness and holiness before God.
Notice that when we approach God in Christ, He gladly welcomes us into His presence. Wow, what a wondrous thought! Want to make God happy? Live in Christ. Honor Christ in all you do, strive to please Him, serve Him faithfully, seek to resist sin in your life, and God will be very pleased with you.
We can’t even imagine the joy it will bring to God when we remain faithful and complete our walk of faith in this life. I suspect there will be a welcoming committee for us when we make it to heaven. Jesus will be the first to greet us and He will say, “Well done, you good and faithful servant. Enter now into the Kingdom of God.” I can’t say for sure, but I suspect when He does welcome us into His kingdom, there will be a big smile on His face.
If you are a child of God, you are welcome in God’s presence. You can approach Him without fear and with boldness.
If Jesus is not your Savior, no matter how hard you try, you will not be welcome to enter into God’s presence. Your prayers will all be in vain. He only hears the prayers of a broken and contrite heart from those living in sin.
Is Jesus your Savior today?
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