Wednesday, October 2, 2024




I Cor. 2:14 But people who aren't Christians can't understand these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them because only those who have the Spirit can understand what the Spirit means. NLT

Don't be surprised or alarmed because the world "doesn't get it". Unless the Spirit of God reveals it to them, the Gospel seems foolish and not worthy of attention. When the Spirit reveals wonderful truths to you and you think that you have discovered the key to convincing someone that they need Christ, don't be surprised when they don't see what you see. Only those who have the Spirit to guide them into the truth can grasp the truth. What we learn as we grow in Christ is not understood by those who are not growing with us. The Spirit does not give anyone more of the truth than they can handle.

The simple truths of the Gospel are given to those who can only grasp simple things, and the deeper truths of the Gospel are only given to those who by faith have grown in their relationship with God. Don't expect more out of people than they can handle. Unless the Spirit of Christ draws them to Him, the world will reject the Gospel message as foolishness.

The light shines in the darkness, but it is not seen by most to whom it is shown. Most in the darkness prefer to stay in the dark so that they don’t have to deal with the light or change because of what they discover in the light.

If you can understand the truths of the Gospel, thank the Lord for helping you understand. Thank Him for His wisdom and guiding you into all truth. If you can’t understand what the Spirit wants you to know, don’t give up. Seek the Lord sincerely with all your heart, and He will guide you into all truth.

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