Tuesday, October 1, 2024




I Cor. 2:14 But people who aren’t Christians can’t understand these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them because only those who have the Spirit can understand what the Spirit means. NLT

Those who aren’t Christians will never understand the things of God as revealed through His Spirit. It seems foolish to them that man can have a personal relationship with God. It is beyond their ability to know what it is like to be forgiven of their sins and have a pure heart before God. They cannot know how awful the punishment will be for sin or that there can even be a punishment. They cannot comprehend what life is like without elusive peace or how anyone can have joy and satisfaction of soul.

Only those who live in Christ can understand these things. We understand what it is like to have a real relationship with a real God. We understand what it is like to have a reason to live and a reason to die. We understand that this life is not all there is, that there is a glorious life ahead for those who die in Christ. We know that life can be lived without guilt and shame as we resist sin in our lives. We experience the joys of sins forgiven and sins forgotten by a holy God.

Everything the Spirit reveals to us about God makes sense to us. We are not confused about spiritual things. We know the truth and it frees us from our confusions about life and the holy life. The Spirit guides us into all truth and reassures us all the time that we are indeed children of God. And the Spirit enables us to accept those things we can’t fully understand through faith in God as true. We learn that it is okay to not know and understand all things.

Don’t expect non-Christians to know what you know about the Christian life. It is hidden from them unless they repent and surrender their hearts over to Christ.

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