Saturday, October 5, 2024




I Cor. 3:16-17 Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? God will bring ruin upon anyone who ruins this temple. For God's temple is holy, and you Christians are that temple. NLT

Paul is writing to the church at Corinth. He is reminding them that together they are God's dwelling place. Individually and collectively, we are the temple of God. We are where God chooses to live. We have been given a sacred trust by God, to take care of His temple. Historically, God's chosen people did a very poor job of taking care of the Temple. They allowed it to fall into ruin because of their sinful rebellion against God. They chose to leave God out of their lives, despite the many warnings God had given them to repent and obey him.

We must ask ourselves, "Are we taking care of God's temple?" Individually, are we striving to please God in all we do? Are we seeking Him out through the disciplines of faith---meditation and study of His Word, prayer, service, and fellowship? Do we notice when we slack off and the temple begins to weaken and crumble? Are we careful to attend to the problems we notice before they get any worse?

Collectively, are we attentive to what is going on in our church? Are we addressing issues before they become real issues that divide and destroy? Do we insist on accountability within the body? Are we striving to do what is right in God's eyes in all we do? Is your church in disrepair? If so, are you setting a good example for others to follow? Are you insisting on submission and obedience to God's Word?

And, if the church you worship and have fellowship in refuses to change and submit to godly teaching and living, what are you doing about it? We become like those whom we associate with. The longer you stay amongst a wayward people, the more like them you will become. Sometimes we need to move on for our soul's sake. We need to be in an environment where spiritual growth can take place. We need to be challenged and nourished. We need others who will spur us on and not hold us down.

Are you taking care of the temple of God, your soul? You are responsible for the shape it is in and God will hold you responsible for it.

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