Thursday, October 31, 2024




I Cor. 12:22-24 In fact, some of the parts that seem weakest and least important are really the most necessary. And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect from the eyes of others those parts that should not be seen, while other parts do not require this special care. So God has put the body together in such a way that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. NLT

If you are a nobody in the eyes of some, you are a somebody in the eyes of God. If others seem more necessary and important in the church than you, God sees you as equals. If the Church seems to be passing you by, you are absolutely essential for her well-being. Don’t ever believe the lie of Satan that what you do for Christ is insignificant and unimportant. God has placed you exactly where you are to do what you do because it is important for you to do it for the sake of the Church and her witness in the world.

In fact, God gives special honor to those who serve faithfully behind the scenes and who go unnoticed. He rewards us for our faithfulness in service, not our notoriety in service. The adoration of man does not get the job done. Don’t sweat it if no one seems to notice or care about what you do. God sees it and great is your reward in heaven. He needs you to keep on doing what He has given you to do. You may never know why it has to be done, but God does. He takes great pleasure in the service of the faithful.

What a privilege it is to serve God who cares about what we do. Think about it. God knows all about what you do out of love for Him. It pleases God greatly when we are faithfully serving Him regardless if anyone ever notices it or not. Great is the reward in heaven who are faithful to the Lord.

Always remember, no one who serves in the limelight can serve there without those who are never noticed doing what they do for Christ and His glory.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024




I Cor. 12:18 But God made our bodies with many parts, and he has put each part just where he wants it. NLT

God has created the variety in the body. Every single part of what makes up the body is uniquely and wonderfully made by God and placed in the body exactly where He wants it to be. No part of the body is out of place. Each part has a special role to fill because of its placement and unique creation. God in His wisdom knows exactly which part is needed to help the body function properly. If any one part is missing or broken, the whole body suffers. It may be able to compensate and keep on functioning, but it is never quite as good as it would be if the body were whole and healthy.

What is true of our physical bodies is true of our spiritual bodies. We, together, make up the body. Each one of us is a valuable part of the body of Christ. God has made us uniquely different for different functions. We are all equally important for the wholeness and health of the body. If any of us become disabled, the body weakens and fails to function as well. If any of us fail to do our part, the body suffers.

You are an essential part of the body of Christ. The Church needs you to do what God has created and given you to do. The Church is counting on you to do your part. If you don’t do what God has created and gifted you to do, the body will continue to function as a body, but not nearly as well.

Also, God knows exactly where you fit best. Many of us are misfits. We serve the Lord, but not where we should be serving. We settle for less, when we should be striving for more. We are happiest and most productive when we are serving where the Lord wants us to serve and in the way He wants us to serve.

Let me challenge you to take a careful look at yourself today. Are you doing what you should be doing for Christ? Are you using your gifs to serve Him? What should you be doing for Him that you are not doing now?

You are a valuable part of the body of Christ. You are gifted to work with the other parts of the body to bring honor and glory to Christ. If you neglect your gift, you will not be nearly as an effective part of the body as you could and should be. If you misuse your gifts, you will create problems within the body. If you fail to use your gifts at all, you are living in disobedience to God; it is sin.

Be a part of the solution instead of the problem. Let the Lord have His way with you and use you to help build up the church and to help reach the lost for Him.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024




I Cor. 12:12 The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up only one body. So it is with the body of Christ. NLT

If you are a child of God, you are a part of His body. It doesn’t matter what you or others may think about it, you belong. You are worthy to be called a child of God and a part of His body because of the work of Christ on your behalf at Calvary. Don’t ever for one moment allow anyone to tell you otherwise. You may not be treated as if you were a part of the body, but you are. You may not see yourself connected, but you are. You belong and are an essential part of the body. Therefore, you need to live like it.

Every body part has a useful function. God makes nobody who does not have a purpose. He knows what we are capable of and needed for. He makes no mistake about whom He places in the work of the kingdom. You have an integral role to play in what God desires to do through you in your world. If you don’t know what that role is, ask Him right now to show you. He wants you to get busy doing what you are created to do. You will never find contentment in Christ until you do. You will never know the joy and peace of Christ until you are fulfilling His will for your life.

There is no pecking order in the body. Every body part is equally essential for the health and wholeness of the body. Remove any part of the body and the body is incomplete. The body may be able to function, but never quite as well.

The Church needs what you have to offer her. She needs your gifts. She needs your heart of love. There is a place for you to serve in her and if you don’t, she will never be quite as healthy as she could be. What are you doing for Christ through His Church?

Be the very best you can be at what you do for the glory and honor of Christ in and through His Church.

Monday, October 28, 2024




I Cor. 12:11 It is the one and only Holy Spirit who distributes these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have. NLT

We do not determine who gets what gift(s) to use to serve Christ. We don’t get to choose what gifts we want. We have no say in the matter whatsoever; it is the Holy Spirit who determines the gifts we are given and distributes them.

The Spirit of Christ is the wisdom center of God. He knows each person and the unique role they play in the Kingdom of God. He knows the capabilities and personalities of each person and distributes gifts accordingly. Each person is matched up with gifts that are perfectly suited for him.

It is foolishness to seek after gifts the Spirit does not give. Whenever we try to do things that we are not gifted for, we will struggle and fail. God does not honor those who try to be who they are not created in Christ to be. You cannot manufacture your giftedness. You cannot take credit for the impact your giftedness has on others. And, to hide or not use your giftedness is a great disservice to the Lord and His church. You cannot do what God has not gifted you to do, but you can do much with the gifts He has given to honor and glorify Him.

Be content with your giftedness. Do not minimize it or try to hide it. Do what the Lord has given you to do in life with the tools He has given you. Be thankful for the gifts you have been given and not envious of someone else’s. Each of us will be held accountable for our own giftedness and how we used them to bring Christ honor and glory amongst men.

Sunday, October 27, 2024




I Cor. 12:7 A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church. NLT

God has given every believer a spiritual gift(s). There is no exception. Each one of us has been given a role to play in the Church suited to how He has made us and led us through life. Each of us can help carry out the cause of Christ and are obligated to do so. If we fail to do our part in the ministry of the Church, it is sinful disobedience. You can’t do what you can’t do, but are held responsible for what you can do. You are not to try and fill someone else’s shoes; you are to fill your own. God made you uniquely you independently of anyone else. There is no such thing as a Christian who is not gifted in some way. We must know our giftedness and use it for the glory of Christ. If you don’t know yours, seek out the help of others and God to find it. Failure to do so leaves a big gap in the life of the church that only you can fill.

Also, we are gifted so that we can help the entire Church. When we all do our part, the church is whole and healthy. She is then able to be an effective witness and servant of Christ in the world. We do what we do for the sake of the body, not ourselves. Gifts are given to serve the Lord, not to draw attention to ourselves or for our benefit.

Because of our sinful nature, we must diligently guard our souls in this. We like the attention, glory, and rewards. We are prone to feast on them and even use them for selfish gain. In order for us to not sin in this, we must stay closely connected to Christ. We must always keep Him first in our hearts so our minds don’t lead us astray.

Beware: Satan will try to get you to use your gifts selfishly. He will do his best to keep you from serving the Lord with pure motives. He wants you to get you to have a big head because of your giftedness and abilities. You must resist him and do all you do for the glory and honor of Christ in His Church for everyone’s common good.

Saturday, October 26, 2024




I Cor. 12:4-6 Now there are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service in the church, but it is the same Lord we are serving. There are different ways God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work through all of us. NLT

God is not confined by our understanding of Him and the way He works in the Church. We tend to put God in a box and base our understanding of Him on our experiences in life. We say He is all-powerful, knowing, and present, but we do not allow for Him to exist beyond our understanding of Him and His ways.

We confine God to our doctrinal beliefs. We say He does not operate the way others say He does. We question the validity of other ways to worship and experience Him. We question the validity of the gifts other people claim to have from Him. Are we limiting God by our understanding of the Word?

The Spirit, who is the power of God at work in the Church, gives every believer gifts to be used for the wholeness and wellness of the body. He does not give everyone the same type of gifts. He does not lead everyone down the same path of experiences in life. He does what He needs to do in order for the body to remain healthy, vibrant, and functioning properly. God knows best how to reach the lost, and He does what He needs to do in order to reach them. He sends workers into the harvest field that are suited for the particular field they are working in.

We need to be careful how we limit what God is doing. Who are we to question the validity of other parts of the body of Christ? Who are we to deny the validity of other people’s faith? If Jesus and His redemptive work on the cross is preached, taught, and lived, we don’t have the right to sit in judgment on the ways in which others express their faith. God is the one who will judge the heart and actions of His people. We need to let Him do it and not be too concerned about those we disagree with.

We are a body with many different parts. We have different functions and responsibilities. We are different, but equally important. We are united together in Christ. Let us rejoice with one another in that which Christ has done for us, in us, and through us.

Let us strive to stay focused on Christ and not our differences. Let us work together for the good of the Kingdom of God, not our particular church body or ministry. Let us strive to always let Christ be the center of attention and not us. Let us work together for His honor and glory until Jesus comes.

Friday, October 25, 2024




I Cor. 11:1 And you should follow my example, just as I follow Christ’s. NLT

In chapter 10 Paul had talked about our freedom in Christ. He emphasized the fact that with freedom comes responsibility. Love constrains us sometimes from doing things we may feel free to do in Christ. Even though he could, Paul refused to do some things because he knew that those who were new in the faith would stumble and fall over it. There was a real problem for the Jews and Gentiles in the early church as they tried to figure out the implication of how their new faith was to be lived out together.

It has always challenged me to be able to say to others, “Follow my example, just as I follow Christ.” Am I so like Christ that I have no problem with others patterning their faith after mine? Is there anything about my life in Christ that I wouldn’t want others to imitate? Am I confident enough about my pursuit of Christ that I would want others to be like me?

We are being watched by those who know us. Some may very well be making a decision for or against Christ based on what they see in us. Others may be deciding whether or not to take Christ seriously in their lives based on whether or not we do. We have an audience whether we want one or not. What are they hearing from your life? Are you comfortable in having others walk in your footsteps of faith? If not, why not?

Christ sets us free from the bondage of sin and its guilt and shame. We have the liberty in grace to enjoy life free from the constraints of the law. Yet, we must be aware of others as we live in grace. We must not be careless and let our example lead others to where their conscience will not let them go.

The law of God’s love sometimes compels us to not exercise our freedom in Christ for the sake of others. Strive to an example worthy to be followed.

Thursday, October 24, 2024




I Cor. 11:1 And you should follow my example just as I follow Christ’s. NLT

This verse has always been a real challenge to me. Paul knew himself well enough to know that he could confidently let others live by his example. He was not boasting at all about his life in Christ, rather he knew that Jesus was his Lord and that it was the kind of life every believer should be living. NLT

Paul was consumed by a desire to please and serve the Lord. He loved people and was willing to pay any price he had to pay in order to share with them the Good News. Paul knew the amazing things the Lord was doing in his life. He knew that there was no other way to live in order to be totally at peace with God and himself. Paul did not live for what the world could offer him; he lived for that which awaited him in heaven. Paul was so into Christ that the world hated him for it and sought to hurt and even kill him. Yet, Paul was so locked into his walk with the Lord that he gladly endured suffering knowing that it would be worth it all when he was with Jesus.

Paul’s statement was one of humility and compassion, not boasting about himself. The challenge for you and me is, Are we living in such a way that we are not ashamed to have others imitate the way we live? Are we striving to live a godly life all the time? Are we so into Christ that there is no fear that others would be led astray if they were to live like we do?

It should be the desire and way of life of every believer to live life in such a way that we can say with confidence do as I do, say what I say, think the way I think, and treat others the way that I treat them. We are examples before others of what it means to live life in Christ whether we want to be or not. Be an example worthy to be followed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024




I Cor. 10:12-13 If you think you are standing strong, be careful, for you, too, may fall into the same sin. But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it. NLT

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to understanding our spiritual strength. We tend to think we are mature and strong enough to not fall into temptation. We see others do it and shake our heads. We judge them for their weakness and maybe even question their salvation. We pat ourselves on the back and relish in the knowledge that we would never do such a thing. Such thinking is dangerous.

Sin is a very powerful and subtle enemy. It can suck us into its grasp without us scarcely knowing what hit us. We need to recognize that we all are prone to sin, to wander away from the God we love. We are never going to live sin-free lives here on earth, no matter how hard we try or how good our intentions are.

But, we are not helpless victims in the face of temptation. Everyone faces the same temptations we do, whether they admit it or not. We tend not to discuss our weaknesses, those things that draw us away from God. We want others to see us as we want to be more than we do who we really are.

We serve a God who is faithfully in love with us. He doesn’t leave us hanging to fight our temptations alone. He always is there to help us and provide for us a way to resist our temptations. He may use other people to help us, the nudging of His Spirit, His Word, or something we hear or read. He will never let us be tempted beyond our ability to withstand. He gives us ample amount of resources so that we can choose to resist the temptations we encounter. All we have to do is take advantage of what God provides. Sin is always a choice we make.

When you encounter temptations to sin today, think about it. If you go ahead and sin, it’s because you want to, not because you have to. God has given you the resources you need to not sin, if you will only use them. The true strength of character is not how we are able to stand on our own two feet and fight, it’s how we are able to be honest about our weaknesses and utilize the resources God gives us to withstand our temptations.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024




I Cor. 10:12-13 If you think you are standing strong, be careful, for you, too, may fall in the same sin. But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it. NLT

First of all, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you are too strong spiritually to not sin against God. The Lord makes it very clear that all of us are prone to sin and often do. We may not do the same sins as others may do, but sin we do. We must never let down our guard and think that we can’t sin.

Secondly, don’t let Satan deceive you into thinking that you are unique in what you do, that in some way you are so bad that no one else would do what you have done. There is no new sin under the sun. Whatever sin you may commit, it has been done before a multitude of times by others.

Thirdly, there is no sin that you can’t resist or overcome through Christ. The Lord is faithful to you and will always give you a way to say no if you have the desire to resist it. In Christ, you are more than able to resist sin’s temptations. You are not a victim, but a victor in Christ.

Fourthly, God is faithful and will not let you face temptations that you cannot overcome with Him as your helper. Never forget this wondrous truth. If you are tempted, you can overcome it and not yield to sin. There is no temptation that you will ever face that is too much for you to handle.

Stand firmly in Christ and you will overcome the sins that plague you. We can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength to do it.

Monday, October 21, 2024




I Cor. 9:24-27 Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win. All athletes practice strict self-control. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I am not like a boxer who misses his punches. I discipline my body like an athlete training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. NLT

Like a good runner who prepares himself well so that he can win the race, we must prepare ourselves so we can win the race of life. It takes a lot of self-disciple to train well for a race. Those who take charge of their wills and control the urges to slack off, do the best. It is not by accident that a runner separates himself from the pack to win a race. A runner does not enter into a race with the intention of losing. He believes he will win and does all he can to do it. The same thing holds true of all athletes. In order to compete well, there must be proper and disciplined training of both the body and mind. One can do all the training in the world and be at his very best physically, but if he doesn’t believe he will win, he has lost the race before he starts. And if he starts the race knowing he will win but has not properly prepared his body for the race, he likewise will lose. Only those who are fit in both body and mind wins.

We need to consider the life of faith in the same way. We must discipline our spirits and use much self-control in order to make it home. We must be focused on heaven and not let anything distract us from reaching our home. We must put forth our best effort to stay in the race. We cannot take time off to rest. We cannot allow anything to weigh us down. We must run the race well by sticking to the plan and pacing ourselves well. We must keep pressing on until we get home.

It does matter how we live. It does matter how much effort we put into our walk of faith. It does matter whether or not we let Jesus be Lord. Victory comes to those who stay on the course and in the race.

We must also remember than many races are run in difficult circumstances. We can’t always predict what may happen, let alone control it. We can’t control how others may run their race either. We have to run our own race within the confines of our abilities. As long as we do our best to run well, we will be successful.

As believers, our source of strength and energy is Christ in us. When we let Him do what He alone can do in us, we will win our race. Our diet consists of His Word, spending much time alone with Him, and having fellowship with other believers.

We are in a marathon and not a sprint. Pace yourself and keep on running. We run the best when we maintain a steady pace from start to finish. Great is the reward for those who run well.

Sunday, October 20, 2024




I Cor. 9:25 All athletes practice strict self-control. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. NLT

It is easy to overlook the price athletics have to pay in order to be able to compete on a high level. It takes a lot of sacrificial work and a commitment to it in order to be a good athlete. Hours upon hours are spent in getting the body and mind ready to compete with others. No matter the sport, there has to be a strict control over the body and mind. There is no easy road to the top. The harder an athlete trains, the better chance he has of being successful.

An athlete is willing to make the sacrifices he needs to make because of a desire to be the best at what he does and to be a winner. There is a constant drive to be the best, whether it be as a single or team competitor. There is the focus on winning the prize set before him that keeps him on track. Without the goal of winning and being the best at what he does before him, the athlete will quickly lose the drive to train and compete.

What is true with athletes on earth is true in our walk with Christ. We must see ourselves as heavenly athletes, in training to win the prize set out before us. We must be willing to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to keep our souls in shape and fit for the Kingdom. We must be committed to the training process, never losing sight of our goal of becoming all that we can be in Christ.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we must learn self-control. We must learn to avoid those things that would hinder our progress or destroy it. We must learn to say no to temptations and yes to those things which help to build up our souls. We must learn to persevere no matter how hard things may get or how much we want to give up.

We must never take our eyes off of our goal, Jesus Christ. We must press on with all the energy we have until He calls us home. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus face-to-face.

Saturday, October 19, 2024




I Cor. 9:16 For preaching the Good News is not something I can boast about. I am compelled by God to do it. How terrible for me if I didn’t do it! NLT

One of the most essential qualifications there is for a true disciple of Christ is a compelling drive to share the Gospel message with the world. The work of Christ in us is so powerful and life changing that we want others to experience it too. Words spoken without substance are just words. The world needs to see what difference Christ makes in the soul of man.

When the Lord has hold of us we no longer see ourselves, we see Him. We no longer want others to see us; we want them to see Christ. Life is no longer about self; it is about Christ. We are compelled by God to tell others about Him.

The need to proclaim Christ is so strong that we become miserable if we don’t do it. As a preacher, I understand this truth. During those times in my life when I wasn’t in the pulpit, I could take it only for so long. The urge to preach was so strong that I became restless and miserable until I was once again in the pulpit. This compelling drive has held true in my life over and over again.

It is a terrible thing when we don’t tell others the Good News. We are miserable because we are not living in obedience to the Lord. We are depriving others of the Good News when we remain silent. There are those who you are uniquely gifted and prepared to reach that perhaps will be in hell if you remain silent.

I am convinced that if we are not driven to share the Gospel with others we are not living rightly in Christ. His presence in us is so overpowering that we must tell others. If we fail to be witnesses for Christ, we will answer to God for it. What a terrible moment that will be when we have to stand before God and give an account as to why we didn’t proclaim the Word when we had the opportunity to do so.

Friday, October 18, 2024




I Cor. 8:9 But you must be careful with this freedom of yours. Do not cause a weaker brother or sister with a weaker conscience to stumble. NLT

Like it or not, freedom comes with responsibility. Freedom is not a license to do whatever we want to do with no strings attached. We have freedom from the destructive and deadly consequences of sin so that we can live godly lives. We no longer are bound by the devastating guilt and shame of sin. We no longer are driven by the compulsion to sin. We are no longer bound by those things that destroy us.

Christ frees us from a life of certain condemnation and gives us a life of certain acceptance by God. We now can become who God created us to be. We can now do what pleases God.

We are not under the curse of the law; we are under the blood of Calvary. We live by grace and not the restraints of the law. Grace allows us to live without fear of condemnation. However, we need to be aware of those around us. Even though we may not be convicted of the wrongness of some things, others who are not as mature in their faith may be. We must show love and respect for others by exercising restraint when we know it may be a problem for others. We must never use our freedom selfishly at the expense of others.

Some things must be wrestled with before God before convictions are established. Where Scripture does not clearly address an issue, we must discern before God whether or not it would be sin for us to do it. Personal convictions vary and we must be sensitive to how our behavior is perceived by others. We can easily be stumbling blocks to them. Let the Lord guide you in this. If He is prompting you to change your behavior for the sake of others, do it, even though it may not be a problem for you. It is the life of love.

Always remember, you have the freedom in Christ to develop certain convictions that are appropriate for your life, and so do all who are in Christ. God does not deal with us all in the same way. There are essentials elements of faith that are non-negotiable for all believers that the Lord reveals in His Word. And there are some things that the Spirit lays upon our hearts that are personally understood and lived. Wise is the child of God who knows the difference.

Don't cause a weaker brother or sister to stumble over your personal convictions. You are being watched, especially by those who have learned to respect and look up to you. Strive to be one who builds up the faith of others instead of tearing it down or destroying it.

Thursday, October 17, 2024




I Cor. 8:2-3 Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn't really know very much. But the person who loves God is the one God knows and cares for. NLT

It is so easy to develop the mindset that we know all that we need to know or that what we do know is always the right answer to every issue. Let's be honest. We think we know it all. The longer we live in faith, the more self-assured we become. We like our doctrine and strongly believe that we have the right understanding of Scripture. We grow up and are trained to see things a certain way and close our thinking to any other way of thinking. We don't want to think too much about things and so we make up our minds on matters and that is that. We are right, and the rest of the Church is wrong. We criticize and judge those who think and live differently than we do. We refuse to have fellowship with those who might be different enough that they become a threat to our thinking. We refuse to embrace the wholeness of the body of Christ in all of its diversity, because they are not "one of us."

We need to hear what today's text is saying to us. We don't know it all. No one has perfect knowledge and understanding. No one can claim to have all the pieces of the puzzle of truth nailed down. No amount of education is going to provide answers to issues that the Lord does not clearly reveal. There are truths that are hidden in the mind of God. We can see things differently and still be united at the foot of the cross.

There are things that will only be known in heaven. We filter our understanding through our experiences and upbringings of life. It is okay to not agree on our understanding of things, but it is not okay to disagree disagreeably. As long as Jesus is our Savior and Lord, we are family and should be embraced as such.

We need to love each other, support each other, encourage each other, and rejoice with each other as we serve the Lord.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024




I Cor. 8:2-3 Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much. But the person who loves God is the one God knows and cares for. NLT

It is not unusual to come across people who think they know it all. It is especially true in the Church. Bible teachers and preachers tend to be pretty set in their thinking and are convinced they know what God wants us to know. Some are so confident of their understanding that they are not open to anyone who thinks differently than they do and are willing to argue their point with anyone willing to do it. It is necessary for us to know where we stand and why we stand there, but we must be very careful that we don’t close our minds to greater understanding.

I have been in the ministry for over 50 years of my life and one thing that I know for sure is that I don’t know it all. The Lord continues to change the way I think about some things. He opens up deeper truths, refines my understandings, and teaches me that even though I have to be firm in my convictions, I don’t know it all.

We have to be gracious towards those whom we may disagree with. Everyone who is living in Christ is family to us. We are to love, support and encourage each other in the faith. We are to work with each other for the honor and glory of Christ. We are to build each other up and not tear each other down. It is good for us to differ in our understanding on certain aspects of the truth. It challenges us to dig deeper and examine what we proclaim in light of the Scriptures.

It is good for us to accept the fact that we don’t have God and His ways all figured out. It is good for us to appreciate the work of God in the world to save souls and build His Church. It is good for us to learn how to live in harmony with those whom we disagree with. It is good for us to work together for Christ sake and not our own. It is good for us because God blesses those who do these things and lovingly takes care of them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024




I Cor. 7:30-31 Happiness or sadness or wealth should not keep anyone from doing God’s work. Those in frequent contact with the things of the world should make good use of them without becoming attached to them, for this world and all it contains will pass away. NLT

As children of God, there is nothing that should keep us from serving the Lord. Serving the Lord is not dependent on external circumstances; it is the natural response of the heart that loves the Lord and is grateful for all He has done for us. Serving is not an option for those who are truly living in Christ; it is a necessity.

We are given many resources in life to use for God’s glory. The Lord blesses His children in different ways and in varied degrees. No matter what we have available to us, we should use what we have to serve Him.

We have a tendency to get attached to the things we have instead of using them for God’s glory. We get our eyes off of the Lord and onto the things we have. We must guard our souls in this area. No matter what you have or how much of it you have, it will all pass away and turn to dust. No one who builds his life on what the world has to offer will ever find in those things the happiness or satisfaction he is looking for.

Be aware of your blessings and be thankful for them. Ask the Lord to show you ways to use them for Him. Give Him ownership of you and all you have, and you will find the peace, contentment and joy your soul longs for.

Monday, October 14, 2024




I Cor. 6:1-2 When you have something against another Christian, why do you file a lawsuit and ask a secular judge to decide the matter, instead of taking it to other Christians to decide who is right? Don't you know that someday we Christians are going to judge the world? And since you are going to judge the world, can't you decide these little things among yourselves? NLT

It is so easy to take people to court. The reasons vary, but the courts are full of people suing other people over often trivial matters. I believe one of the reasons why there is so much of this going on is that we are driven by selfishness and greed. We want what we want, and we don't care how we get it. If we have to make life miserable for others, then so be it.

We, as the body of Christ, should be different. We should not allow self-interests or greed drive us to treat others in an ungodly way. We ought to love each other in Christ and when differences arrive, settle things with godly advice and wisdom and not the guidance of the secular world. There may be times in which going to court is unavoidable, but it should be done only if all other means of reconciliation and restoration have failed. Church business should be done in the church, not the courts.

When it becomes necessary be for the church to decide matters amongst her members, it should always be done at the feet of Jesus. Prayer should always guide and govern our thinking so that the will of God can be discerned.

How we settle our disagreements speaks volumes about the integrity of our hearts before God. It is better to right and wronged than it is to be vindicated and create a broken fellowship that cannot be mended.

Sunday, October 13, 2024




I Cor. 5:6 How terrible that you boast about your spirituality, and yet you let this sort of thing go on. Don't you realize that if even one person is allowed to go on sinning, soon all we be affected? NLT

There was a terrible sin going on in the church at Corinth. One of the church members was having an affair with his, mother. It evidently was going on in public and no one in the church seemed to care too much about it. The sinning parties were a part of the church. They were not held accountable for their sinful actions.

Yet, the church was testifying to their godliness. They were professing faith in Christ and encouraging others to do so. They didn't seem to believe that what one of them was doing mattered as far as their witness was concerned.

The Church is a community. The lives of the community are intertwined. What is done in the community affects the whole community. When sin rears its ugly head in the church, it cannot be ignored. The witness of the life-changing Gospel is directly affected.

The standards of the Gospel have no value if they don't change the living of those who profess to live by them. When godliness is compromised, the body is weakened and soon many parts of the body are infected. When sin is allowed to be displayed in public, the church loses her right to proclaim the Gospel. It is hypocrisy to preach one thing and then to blatantly live another.

We need to be careful that we don't go on a witch hunt and make public every sin that is committed in the body. Some sin affects the integrity of the body and some don't. We all sin and all sin should not be made public. Some sin should only be dealt with between individuals and God. Others may be between two individuals. There should be great caution used when sin is exposed and dealt with publicly. Great harm to lives and the cause of Christ can happen when we don't. It's a terrible thing to ignore sin in the church. It is equally terrible to bring to public light every known sin in the body. Let us be wise in how we deal with sin. Let us be certain that our actions are directed by the Lord and not us.

And, lest we forget, the Lord clearly told us to look inward at our own sins before we look at the sins of others and judge them.

Saturday, October 12, 2024




I Cor. 4:5 So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether or not someone is faithful. When the Lord comes, he will bring our deepest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. And then God will give to everyone whatever praise is due. NLT

Don’t jump to conclusions about another person’s soul. We are so prone to do it. We see what we think determines the status of one’s soul and judge whether or not someone is a child of God or not. While there are certain things that should be true of every believer’s life, we must be very careful about this. We don’t know the heart, only God does. Only God is able to determine whether or not a person is worthy of being His child or not.

We must understand that not everyone has the same knowledge and understanding of God’s ways. We are responsible for living by what we know to be true. The more aware we are of God’s ways, the more like Christ we must be. There is no excuse for disobedience. We must live by what we know is true.

I believe as well that if we are ignorant of God’s way yet have the opportunity to learn and know His ways more than we do that we will be held responsible for not knowing. We cannot plead innocence when we fail to take advantage of the opportunities we are given. God requires of us responsible learning.

The Lord will expose all of our heart’s hidden secrets. He will examine our every motive. He will determine rightly and justly every soul and reward those who are truly His. It is not our right or role to judge another’s soul. Instead, we are to love one another with the love of Christ. We are to build each other up and not tear each other down. There is no room in God’s family for self-righteousness that leads to condemnation.

Friday, October 11, 2024




I Cor. 4:5 So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether or not someone is faithful. When the Lord comes, he will bring our deepest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. And then God will give to everyone whatever praise is due. NLT

It is so easy and tempting to jump to conclusions about another person's faith or lack of it. As long as others fit into our notion of what they should be like, we are comfortable with believing they are one of us. However, if someone breaks the mold and lives (or looks) differently than we do, we are quick to question the rightness of their life before God. Let's admit it. We are all guilty of judging by appearances.

Only God knows the heart of man. God knows whether or not someone is among the faithful. We are very poor in our assessments. We are easily fooled. We are given certain criteria to live by in the Scriptures, and we can be reasonably sure that if someone is not even trying to live by God's standards that they are not among the faithful. But, only God knows for sure. We progress in faith at different rates, and so we must not be quick to conclude that people who are acting in an ungodly way are truly ungodly in heart.

When the Lord comes, He will bring every heart to light. He will embrace those who are in the faith and reject those who aren't. We will be surprised by some who will be embraced and by some who won't be. God knows the motives of the heart and will do what is right. He will reveal every motive and it will be quickly understood why our judgments failed us.

If anyone deserves a pat on the back on Judgment Day, God will do it. We are prone to praise people quickly, whether they deserve it or not. We like to be praised and seldom reject it. But, when God dishes out the praise, it will be a time of great rejoicing. All heaven will rejoice with us, for we will have come home at last.

God's acceptance is all the praise we need or should ever want.

Thursday, October 10, 2024




I Cor. 4:4 My conscience is clear, but that isn't what matters. It is the Lord himself who will examine me and decide. NLT

It has often been said, "Let your conscience by your guide." There is the assumption that we all know the difference between right and wrong and we will sense guilt or shame when we are tempted to do wrong. While in principle this may be good advice, it simply does not work for many people.

Sin plays havoc with the conscience. Sin can deceive us, distort our perception of right and wrong, and destroy our desire to do right to the point where following our conscience can easily lead us into sin. It is not too hard to look at ourselves in the mirror and feel pretty good about what we see. We may think we are doing alright, when in reality we aren't. When our sense of right and wrong is dulled by sin, our standards are way too low. It is not how we see things that matter, it's what God says about things that matter.

The Lord is the one who will judge us and decide whether or not we are right before Him. The standard upon which He judges us is His holiness as revealed in His Word. He tells us clearly how we are to be, what we are to do, and what ought to be on our minds. It is the Lord we must please, not ourselves.

Do not depend on the world to help you know what is right from wrong; depend on God’s Word to show you. Man’s thinking is flawed. The world’s standards are much lower than the Lord’s. The world will try to justify sinful behavior and pass it off as normal and good for man. The higher your standards are, the more you will be able to depend on your conscience to keep you on the pathway that leads to God.

Can you look into the mirror of God's Word and still say your conscious is clear?

Wednesday, October 9, 2024




I Cor. 3:10-11 Because of God's special favor to me, I have laid the foundation like an expert builder. Now others are building on it. But whoever is building on this foundation must be very careful. For no one can lay any other foundation than the one we already have---Jesus Christ. NLT

The Church is big and diversified. There is a church for just about any preference. And, if none is found, new churches are started. We are created with a need for worship. We all worship someone or something. The thing that plagues us is that we can't agree on how we ought to worship God. We are convinced that our own experience with God is the only really valid one and that all should conform to our understanding of Him. The more the population grows, the more diversified the Church becomes. It makes me wonder if it is selfishness that is at the root of our diversity, or God. Does God really want the Church to be so fragmented? I wonder.

I also wonder, "What other kind of foundations are being laid in Jesus' name that are not Jesus?" Is it reasonable to assume that every church that bears Jesus' name has Jesus as her foundation? Or, can we agree that many things being done in Jesus' name are missing Jesus as their foundation? To what extent are we confident that Jesus is the foundation upon which we are building our lives? Do you know for certain that you are living for Jesus alone? Is He the reason why you do what you do in life? Any foundation in life that is not Christ, will crumble and fall.

If you are building your life on Christ, then you will do so carefully. You will take great pain in being sure that you are doing it right and not shoddily. You will be sure that others can easily build on what has already been built in your life. You will be a good example of godly living so that those who look up to you or look at you will know that Jesus alone is why you are who you are and the way to live and die. You will pave the way for others to continue your legacy of faith. You will count it a privilege to be an example to others and rejoice when others build on the foundation of faith you laid.

You only have one opportunity to get the foundation right. Once the building goes up, it is too late. Don't mess around. Be sure your foundation is right so that those who come behind you will build their lives on a sure foundation. Your life does matter. Don't waste it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024




I Cor. 3:16-17 Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? God will bring ruin upon anyone who ruins this temple. For God's temple is holy, and you Christians are that temple. NLT

Paul is writing to the church at Corinth. He is reminding them that together they are God's dwelling place. Individually and collectively, we are the temple of God. We are where God chooses to live. We have been given a sacred trust by God, to take care of His temple. Historically, God's chosen people did a very poor job of taking care of the Temple. They allowed it to fall into ruin because of their sinful rebellion against God. They chose to leave God out of their lives, despite the many warnings God had given them to repent and obey him.

We must ask ourselves, "Are we taking care of God's temple?" Individually, are we striving to please God in all we do? Are we seeking Him out through the disciplines of faith---meditation and study of His Word, prayer, service, and fellowship? Do we notice when we slack off and the temple begins to weaken and crumble? Are we careful to attend to the problems we notice before they get any worse?

Collectively, are we attentive to what is going on in our church? Are we addressing issues before they become real issues that divide and destroy? Do we insist on accountability within the body? Are we striving to do what is right in God's eyes in all we do? Is your church in disrepair? If so, are you setting a good example for others to follow? Are you insisting on submission and obedience to God's Word?

And, if the church you worship and have fellowship in refuses to change and submit to godly teaching and living, what are you doing about it? We become like those whom we associate with. The longer you stay amongst a wayward people, the more like them you will become. Sometimes we need to move on for our soul's sake. We need to be in an environment where spiritual growth can take place. We need to be challenged and nourished. We need others who will spur us on and not hold us down.

Are you taking care of the temple of God, your soul? You are responsible for the shape it is in and God will hold you responsible for it.

Monday, October 7, 2024




I Cor. 3:10-11 Because of God's special favor to me, I have laid the foundation like an expert builder. Now others are building on it. But whoever is building on this foundation must be very careful. For no one can lay any other foundation than the one we already have---Jesus Christ. NLT

The Church is big and diversified. There is a church for just about any preference. And, if none is found, new churches are started. We are created with a need for worship. We all worship someone or something. The thing that plagues us is that we can't agree on how we ought to worship God. We are convinced that our own experience with God is the only really valid one and that all should conform to our understanding of Him. The more the population grows, the more diversified the Church becomes. It makes me wonder if it is selfishness that is at the root of our diversity, or God. Does God really want the Church to be so fragmented? I wonder.

I also wonder, "What other kind of foundations are being laid in Jesus' name that are not Jesus?" Is it reasonable to assume that every church that bears Jesus' name has Jesus as her foundation? Or, can we agree that many things being done in Jesus' name are missing Jesus as their foundation? To what extent are we confident that Jesus is the foundation upon which we are building our lives? Do you know for certain that you are living for Jesus alone? Is He the reason why you do what you do in life? Any foundation in life that is not Christ, will crumble and fall.

If you are building your life on Christ, then you will do so carefully. You will take great pain in being sure that you are doing it right and not shoddily. You will be sure that others can easily build on what has already been built in your life. You will be a good example of godly living so that those who look up to you or look at you will know that Jesus alone is why you are who you are and the way to live and die. You will pave the way for others to continue your legacy of faith. You will count it a privilege to be an example to others and rejoice when others build on the foundation of faith you laid.

You only have one opportunity to get the foundation right. Once the building goes up, it is too late. Don't mess around. Be sure your foundation is right so that those who come behind you will build their lives on a sure foundation. Your life does matter. Don't waste it.

Sunday, October 6, 2024




I Cor. 4:2 Now, a person who is put in charge as a manager must be faithful. NLT

Are you a faithful servant? No matter what or who the Lord has put you in charge of, are you faithfully serving Him? In all you do, are you representing Christ well?

We cannot take a vacation from our responsibilities as ambassadors for Christ. There is no part of our lives in which we can't faithfully serve the Lord. In fact, if we are not faithful servants of Christ all the time, we are not living rightly with God. His presence influences every part of our lives every day.

The command is clear, faithfulness is required of all. We are to manage our homes and businesses in a God-honoring and glorifying way. Being a manager is often a very difficult and stressful role to play. People don't always cooperate and some are downright defiant. Some people will go out of their way to challenge a manager's authority. Some think they know better than the boss does and will do all they can do to prove it.

A good manager doesn't abandon the ship when the going gets rough. He knows the bigger picture and how to get there. He stays the course on that which is right. He doesn't cave in to the pressure of those who would resist him. He remains faithful to the task given him to do.

A good manager does not take his job lightly. He takes responsibility for his actions and does his best to make sure that what he does is done right.

The Lord has placed certain people in your life to manage well. He wants you to stand strong on that which is true and not bend to the pressure of abandoning ship. The Lord has placed His confidence and trust in you to do your job and serve Him well.

Are you a faithful servant?

Saturday, October 5, 2024




I Cor. 3:16-17 Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? God will bring ruin upon anyone who ruins this temple. For God's temple is holy, and you Christians are that temple. NLT

Paul is writing to the church at Corinth. He is reminding them that together they are God's dwelling place. Individually and collectively, we are the temple of God. We are where God chooses to live. We have been given a sacred trust by God, to take care of His temple. Historically, God's chosen people did a very poor job of taking care of the Temple. They allowed it to fall into ruin because of their sinful rebellion against God. They chose to leave God out of their lives, despite the many warnings God had given them to repent and obey him.

We must ask ourselves, "Are we taking care of God's temple?" Individually, are we striving to please God in all we do? Are we seeking Him out through the disciplines of faith---meditation and study of His Word, prayer, service, and fellowship? Do we notice when we slack off and the temple begins to weaken and crumble? Are we careful to attend to the problems we notice before they get any worse?

Collectively, are we attentive to what is going on in our church? Are we addressing issues before they become real issues that divide and destroy? Do we insist on accountability within the body? Are we striving to do what is right in God's eyes in all we do? Is your church in disrepair? If so, are you setting a good example for others to follow? Are you insisting on submission and obedience to God's Word?

And, if the church you worship and have fellowship in refuses to change and submit to godly teaching and living, what are you doing about it? We become like those whom we associate with. The longer you stay amongst a wayward people, the more like them you will become. Sometimes we need to move on for our soul's sake. We need to be in an environment where spiritual growth can take place. We need to be challenged and nourished. We need others who will spur us on and not hold us down.

Are you taking care of the temple of God, your soul? You are responsible for the shape it is in and God will hold you responsible for it.

Friday, October 4, 2024




I Cor. 3:10-11 Because of God's special favor to me, I have laid the foundation like an expert builder. Now others are building on it. But whoever is building on this foundation must be very careful. For no one can lay any other foundation than the one we already have---Jesus Christ. NLT

The Church is big and diversified. There is a church for just about any preference. And, if none is found, new churches are started. We are created with a need for worship. We all worship someone or something. The thing that plagues us is that we can't agree on how we ought to worship God. We are convinced that our own experience with God is the only really valid one and that all should conform to our understanding of Him. The more the population grows, the more diversified the Church becomes. It makes me wonder if it is selfishness that is at the root of our diversity, or God. Does God really want the Church to be so fragmented? I wonder.

I also wonder, "What other kind of foundations are being laid in Jesus' name that are not Jesus?" Is it reasonable to assume that every church that bears Jesus' name has Jesus as her foundation? Or, can we agree that many things being done in Jesus' name are missing Jesus as their foundation? To what extent are we confident that Jesus is the foundation upon which we are building our lives? Do you know for certain that you are living for Jesus alone? Is He the reason why you do what you do in life? Any foundation in life that is not Christ, will crumble and fall.

If you are building your life on Christ, then you will do so carefully. You will take great pain in being sure that you are doing it right and not shoddily. You will be sure that others can easily build on what has already been built in your life. You will be a good example of godly living so that those who look up to you or look at you will know that Jesus alone is why you are who you are and the way to live and die. You will pave the way for others to continue your legacy of faith. You will count it a privilege to be an example to others and rejoice when others build on the foundation of faith you laid.

You only have one opportunity to get the foundation right. Once the building goes up, it is too late. Don't mess around. Be sure your foundation is right so that those who come behind you will build their lives on a sure foundation. Your life does matter. Don't waste it.