Tuesday, February 18, 2025




Phil. 2:1-2 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose. NLT

Paul was very strong on Christian unity. He made it very clear that believers need to strive always to get along with each other. He did not let the church get by with proclaiming brotherly love and not showing it.

Our relationship with Christ should affect all of our relationships. If we are right with God, we will live righteously with each other. We don’t have to agree with each other on all things in order to live harmoniously with each other and to work together for God’s glory.

The Lord has but one agenda, to reach out to the world in love that souls may be saved and sanctified in Him. We who are His children should likewise have the same goal. If we have any other agenda, we are not living in the will of God for His Church.

The love of God binds us together as one that we may be one in heart and purpose. Sin is the root cause of all dissensions and divisions in the Church. It is imperative that as much as it is possible to do, that we set aside our differences and come together in love so that we can be an effective witness for Christ in the world. As long as each church fellowship has her own agenda, the cause of Christ suffers. We are not competitors; we are co-laborers with Christ in the world.

If you find yourself having a hard time working together with other believers in the harvest field, ask the Lord to change your heart towards them. Ask the Lord to give you a focus on the harvest field instead of your personal agenda.

Let’s be blunt and honest; we want OUR church to grow and be the best in town. We want people to come to our church. We think we have the best message and program around. We think we are right on doctrinal issues and others are wrong. We would prefer that people we invite to church come to our church.

Yet, our church may not be the best church for a seeking soul. The programs and ministries we offer may not be what someone needs. Another church may have more social opportunities for someone than our church does.

What is more important, padding our church roll or seeing someone in a church where they can be nurtured and grow in Christ? Why don’t we suggest to others that they may find a better fit in another church?

Be an example for others to follow and be one with Christ in His efforts to reach the world with the Gospel message that as many souls as possible might be saved. Seek to bring others to Christ and send them to a church where they can become holy in Christ.

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