Phil. 2:14-15 In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your light shine brightly before them. NLT
When I was young, I liked to argue with those who did not see things as I did. I just knew I was right and was convinced I could prove others wrong. In fact, I felt like I had to help them "see the light." Fortunately, I grew up. I learned how futile and fruitless arguing was. I discovered that rarely does anyone win an argument. We dig our heels in and refuse to be persuaded by words. Rarely does anyone listen to what is being said or why it's being said. I learned that it is far more profitable for relationships if I'd stay away from arguments. In good relationships, you agree to disagree agreeably and not let your differences in understanding interfere in your peace and rob you of your common good.
It does no one any good to be a complainer. No one likes to keep company with complainers. Constant complaining wears thin quickly. If you have an ax to grind, don't bore others with it. It is far better to go to the source of your problem and seek to resolve things personally. Complaining is never productive. It robs the complainer of the peace and joy of living.
It is far better to just keep your nose clean and stay away from complaining and arguing. It is far better to be known as a person of peace. Arguing drives a wedge between people; complaining drives them away.
Mind your own business. Strive to live a blameless life before God and let Him take care of that which is not yours to deal with. You are not responsible for changing others to your way of thinking. If they are wrong, pray for them and let the Lord handle it. Don't waste your time and energy on those things you can't fix or control. People need to see and know Christ, not hear and know your opinions.
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