Sunday, September 29, 2024




I Cor. 2:1-2 Dear brothers and sisters, when I first came to you I didn’t use lofty words and brilliant ideas to tell you God’s message. For I decided to concentrate on Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. NLT

It does very little good to spend our time on things that only prick our thinking. There are so many things that we think and talk about that really don’t matter much. I don’t want to suggest that we should not strive to learn more, but we can’t let our learning take us away from the thing that really matters in life, our relationship with Christ.

There is no greater subject matter in all of the world than Jesus and what He did for us on the cross. If we fail to understand the importance of Christ’s death and resurrection, we jeopardize our eternal souls. Eternal life hinges on the cross. Where we will spend eternity depends on whether or not we embrace Christ as our Savior and Lord. God’s judgment is based solely on the righteousness of Christ in us.

We discuss a lot of things in life, things that intrigue us and have importance to us. But, talking about our salvation should be at the top of our list of things to talk about. Sadly, for most of us, it isn’t. We take for granted our salvation. We hoard our experience and fail to share it with others. We fail to keep it at the forefront of the things we value in life. We allow other things in life to crowd Christ out of His rightful place as Lord over our lives.

Our salvation should be the most important part of our living. We should focus on it and talk about it much. The message of salvation is not complicated. It can be told in very simple words so that anyone can understand. If our salvation is of first importance in our lives, we will share it freely with others. It is the greatest love gift that we can ever give to others.

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