Sunday, July 9, 2023




I Kings 17: 7-12

When things don’t go as well as you thought they would, do you panic? When something happens that causes you to have to change the course of your life, do you question God? Do you get all bent out of shape when things seem to be going badly for you? How we respond to events that upend our lives say a lot about our faith in God.

We notice some interesting things in our text for today. We seek first of all in verses 1-6 Elijah at rest. Then in verses 7-12, we see Elijah back at it. In order to be effective at whatever we do, we need to take care of ourselves and get the rest we need. When we allow ourselves some time off, we gain a better perspective on things.

Elijah did not panic when things started to go badly for him. He had just come off an encounter with King Ahab and knew it wasn’t safe for him to hang around. God had sent him to Ahab and now he had to flee. He did not panic, he simply obeyed God and went where God directed him to go for a time of recovery. 7-10a God did not abandon him, He took care of his needs. God was not done with Elijah, but in order for him to handle what was next, he needed to rest and rely on God.

When Elijah had been replenished physically and spiritually, God sent him to his next assignment. 10b-12 We don’t know how long Elijah was in the wilderness, but it was long enough for the brook he was drinking from to dry up. Elijah had Ahab that there would be a drought that would not end until he said it would. God punished Ahab and his people because of their evilness. At just the right time, God led Elijah out of the wilderness to a town called Zarephath where a widow was in desperate need. He was ready to be used of God to help someone in need.

Trust in what God is doing. When he closes one door, He has another already opened for you. Don’t panic. Let the Lord refresh you and then walk through the new door He has for you to walk through. Rom. 8:28; Phil. 4:11 Learn from Elijah’s life, God will take care of you wherever He plants you. Also, you are an important cog in the Kingdom of God. When you let Jesus be your Lord, He will use you to help someone in need.

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