Tuesday, July 11, 2023




Psalm 103:3 He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. NLT

What a treasure chest full of blessings is Psalm 103! The Psalmist recounts a multitude of ways God blesses His children. Let us bow down and worship our Lord for His bountiful blessings and goodness to us.

If the Lord did nothing else for us but to forgive us, it would be enough to move our hearts to love, praise, thank, and honor Him in all we do. Notice that the Psalmist says that the Lord forgives ALL of our sins. Isn’t that a marvelous truth! Think about it for a moment. There is nothing that you have ever done, no matter how awful it was, that is not forgiven when we ask the Lord to forgive us. There is no sin beyond the reach of His ability to forgive. No one deserves His forgiveness, but all are forgiven who come to Him. I John 1:9; John 6:35-40; Rom. 10:9,10,13 He forgives all of our sins, not just part of them.

Not only does the Lord forgive all of our sins, He heals all of our diseases. Notice that God does not promise healing just because we ask Him for it. He may chose to heal us, but it is not guaranteed. He is sovereign and heals according to His will. He always knows what is best for us.

He heals our diseased souls. He makes us new creations, the old passes away and all things become new. II Cor. 5:17 No matter how much of a mess we have made of ourselves, in Christ we are made whole. It takes a while, but the Lord is always at work in us to make us a new and better version of ourselves. He changes our attitudes so that we are not poison to those around us. He instills within us the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) so that we are pleasant and not repulsive to those around us. He removes the anger and bitterness of our hearts so we can stand to be around ourselves.

He heals our diseased minds. While living in our sins, we are not able to understand spiritual truths, let alone embrace them. When Christ forgives us, we are given the Holy Spirit to help us understand so we can live in Christ. I Cor. 2 tells us how the Spirit opens up our eyes to spiritual truths that we need for a life pleasing to God.

He heals our diseased bodies. He sometimes miraculously intervenes and heals our broken bodies. Sometimes He allows our diseased bodies to continue and lead us to certain death. He knows what is best for us, and how it fits into His redemptive plan for others. We must never doubt God’s workings and simply trust in His plan.

Never forget, when we get to heaven, we will be completely whole—physically, mentally, and most importantly of all, spiritually.

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