Monday, November 25, 2019


II Cor. 4:7-9 But this precious treasure---this light and power that now shine within us---is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own.  NLT
       What is your most prized treasure? Where do you keep it? What do you do to make sure it is safe and well taken care of? Which of all your treasures, do you treasure the most? How does your most precious treasure affect your living? You can tell how much you value your treasure by the effect it has on your life. Nothing of real value to you is kept hidden.
       What are your most prized spiritual treasures?  What are you doing to keep them protected and safe?  What effect do they have on how you live life? 
       Among our many treasures in Christ are the light He shines on our darkened souls and the power He gives us so that we can live in that light and let it shine for all to see. If it were not for the help of our Lord, we wouldn't make it to God. It is impossible for us to enjoy the benefits of Christ's light apart from Him. It is impossible for us to do anything of eternal value apart from the working of Christ in us.
      Jesus lives in us, as weak and fragile as we are. He chooses to live in us so that everyone can see that what makes us who we are in Him is because of God's glorious power at work in us. We are not self-made. We are products of God's amazing workings in us. On our on we would never make it to heaven. We would never find our way out of our darkness into His light.
       "Thank you, Lord, for your amazing gifts of light and power. Help me today to value what You have given to me and are doing in my life. Lord, don't let me ever get away with hiding it. Help me to live in such a way that everyone can see You in me. May all who know me know that You are indeed the living God who lives in me. In Jesus' name. Amen."

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