Sunday, May 26, 2019


John 8:19  "Where is your father?" they asked.  Jesus answered, "Since you don't know who I am, you don't know who my Father is. If you knew me, then you would know my Father as well."  NLT

       Do you know who Jesus is?  Do you really know Him?  All knowledge of Jesus begins in the heart.  Without Jesus being your Savior and then Lord, you may know about Him, but you won't know Him.  To know Jesus is to embrace Him and commit to living a surrendered life to Him.

       To know Jesus is to experience Him working within you, changing you, and using you for His purposes instead of your own.  To know Him is to desire what He wants more than what you want.  To know Him is to lean on Him for understanding and to trust Him in whatever He does in your life.  To know Him means that you are faithfully into the Word of God so that you can hear what He has to say to you.  To know Him means that you spend time alone in fellowship with Him.

      When you really get to know Jesus, you really get to know God.  Jesus is God in human form.  When you know Jesus you discover just how personal, yet powerful God is.  You discover how amazing God is in every way.  You discover that God is holy and that we are like Him in holiness through Christ.  There is no way to comprehend God apart from Jesus.  There is no way to please God apart from Jesus.  There is no way to make it to God apart from Jesus.

       Is God a mystery to you? Let Jesus unravel the mystery.

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