Thursday, May 2, 2019


Luke 17:26-29 "When the Son of Man returns, the world will be like the people were in Noah's day. In those days before the flood, the people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came to destroy them all."  NLT

      What these verses speak to me about is attachments. People get attached to a way of life. We develop a certain way of living and devote ourselves to it. It's not hard to keep busy with all the stuff we can do in life. It is so easy to become consumed by living that we fail to learn how to live. We get so busy doing life that we miss out on life.

       In Noah's day people totally missed the witness God had given them that their way of life had to stop. No one caught up in the flood could claim while they were drowning that God was not fair or that they didn't deserve to die. Who could miss seeing the ark being built? Who could have missed knowing that Noah was up to something big? I am quite sure that everyone knew from Noah's witness that judgment was coming to earth. They dismissed it as being the ways of a foolish old man, but they nevertheless had to know that something was going on.

        Today, God is likewise giving the world ample warning of impending disaster. People are for the most part ignoring His warnings and going on about their merry ways. A lot of living is going on, but few have truly found life.

        Don't be among those who are too busy living to find life. Life is not about the activity we fill our days with; it is about our relationship with God. Unless we truly repent and give ourselves wholly over to God, we will die in our sins and miss the life God gives. There is no hope for those who are too busy living to live.

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