Sunday, July 8, 2018



Is. 1:18  “Come now, let us argue this out,” says the LORD.  “No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool.”  NLT

      This is one of the greatest verses in all of Scripture.  It gives us hope and cause to rejoice.  No matter how badly we may have sinned, the Lord is able to take that sin from us and make our hearts pure.  The Lord is able to change the soul from one that is darkened and ugly by sin and make it whiter than the purest snow.  In place of darkness, He gives us light.  In place of guilt and shame, He gives us peace and joy. 

      No matter what we have done, it can be forgiven by Christ.  There is no sin beyond the reach of saving grace.  We can’t undo what we have done, but in Christ we can gain victory over it.  We don’t have to be enslaved by sin.  We can have hearts of righteousness.  We can know that our sins are taken away from us to be remembered no more. 

       If you have said or done something and you simply cannot forgive yourself for it, Christ can forgive you.  He can take the pain away.  He can take away the guilt and shame.  No matter what it is, Jesus can help you.  Confess your sin right now to Him and ask Him to forgive you.  He will do it!  Stand on the guarantee of God’s promise that you are forgiven.  Claim the fresh start He declares for you.  Your sins are forgiven and your heart is whiter than snow.  In His eyes you are no longer a victim of sin.  You are no longer an enemy of God.  You are His child.  The past is forgotten and you are a new creation in Christ. 

      Don’t ever buy into the lie of Satan that you are beyond the reach of Christ’s forgiveness.  Don’t let him tell you that you are not a child of God because of your past.  Stand on the Word of God that declares you are forgiven and on your way to heaven.

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