Saturday, April 28, 2018


Prov. 20:27 The LORD’s searchlight penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive.  NLT

       Here is a truth we must get. There is nothing in the soul of man that is not seen and known by the Lord. Nothing. He knows all the sin that gets in and stays. He knows how bright or dark the soul may be. He knows everything there is to know about what makes me say and do what I do. He knows the worthiness of my soul and whether or not I am fit for heaven. He knows what drives me. He knows not only what I do and say, but what I plan on doing. There is nothing that the Lord does not see and know about me.

       How does this make you feel? Are you okay with what the Lord knows about you? Are you at peace knowing that He isn’t finding anything there that is not okay with Him?

       If you are uncomfortable with the thought that God knows your every little hidden secret, you need to have a little talk with Jesus. Tell Him what he already knows. Tell Him the sin you have tried to hide or ignore. Tell Him the sinful thoughts you may have. Tell Him everything you can think of that may not please Him. Then, ask the Lord to forgive you for harboring sin in your soul. His promise is that when you do that, He will forgive you and cleanse your soul from all unrighteousness. He will do it, but not without your cooperation and permission.

      Don’t let another moment slip by without getting rid of all the baggage of sin that holds you down. Let the Lord purify your soul and give you a renewed since of his peace, joy, and love. The Lord is waiting for you.  Is there anything more important for you to do right now than to let the Lord take away your sin?  He is faithful and just and will forgive you for whatever sin He finds in your heart if you will confess it and ask Him to forgive you.  Do it now while He is speaking to you. 

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