Prov. 10:25 Disaster
strikes like a cyclone, whirling the wicked away, but the godly have a lasting
foundation. NLT
The wicked have no
sure footing in life. They do not have
the resources within them to cope with life’s disasters in a positive way. They tend to react and get bent out of shape
instead of dealing with things confidently.
They are easily thrown for a loop and their lives become unraveled.
Things are different
for the godly. Disasters do come and
turn the lives of the godly upside down, but they are not thrown for a
loop. They understand that they have an
Anchor that will hold them steady and strong during the midst of their
storm. They know that they are not
alone. They stand firm on the foundation
of God’s Word and character. They
understand that no matter how bad things are, they will survive and be the
better person for it.
The godly face life’s
disasters with grateful hearts. They are
able to see the bigger picture and understand that the Lord is with them and
will not let them down. They understand
that momentary hardships are nothing compared to their salvation. They know that it is far better to have the
Lord than the ease and comforts of life.
They understand that the Lord never promised that it would be heaven on
earth for them.
The foundation of the
godly is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
He has overcome the world and all those who live in Him are also
overcomers. The godly have a sure
hope. They know that even if their
disaster costs them their lives, heaven awaits them. The godly have no fear of what is to
come. With eyes fixed on Jesus, they keep
pressing on, not buckling underneath the circumstances of life. They know that whatever life throws at them,
it will be worth it all when they see Jesus.
Is Jesus the anchor of your soul today?
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