Wednesday, June 18, 2014

He will not let you stumble and fall......

Ps. 121:3-4 He will not let you stumble and fall, the one who watches over you will not sleep. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never tires and never sleeps.

Let this wonderful truth comfort and bless your heart today. The Lord watches over, protects, and takes care of His children all the time. There is never a moment in which the Lord is not aware of where we are at. He knows when we stumble and is there to pick us up when we fall. He will not let us stay down.

There are many reasons why we may stumble and fall. We may take our eyes off of where we are going and lose our bearings. We may not notice the obstacles in our path and stumble over them. We may get in too big of a hurry and outrun the Light before us. We may become more tuned into the voice of Satan than the Lord and become unsteady in our walk. Our tendency is to stumble. The only way we can walk steadily is if we walk with our hand firmly clasped in the Lord's hand on solid ground at the pace the Lord wants us to walk.

The Lord watches over all our steps all the time. He never goes off duty. He never takes a vacation. The Lord is always alert and never grows weary. You would think that He would become tiresome with all we put Him through, but He never does. He is always at His best. He never tires or sleeps.

You are never out of the Lord's sight or protective care. He is on your side and will see you home to heaven. He never abandons those whose eyes are fixed on Him. He will help you when you are down to get back on your feet.

Don't ever believe Satan's lie that all hope is gone. Don't let him persuade you that the Lord has abandoned you. Rather, believe God who declares that He will not let you down. He will not let you stumble and fall away from His watchful care. He watches over you all the time. There is never a time in which you are out of His sight.

Thank you, Lord, for being our constant guiding and protecting Light.

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