Thursday, November 21, 2024




II Cor. 4:4 Satan, the god of this evil world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe, so they are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News that is shining upon them. They don't understand the message we preach about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. NLT

Don't be surprised by the ignorance of the world concerning God and His message of salvation. Don't let the world's evil ways throw you. Satan is the ruler of this world for now. He has been given free rein to do his thing while he can. He has blinded the unbeliever so that their minds can't see or comprehend the truth. To them the Gospel is foolishness and not worthy of anyone's attention, let alone life.

Why has God allowed this to happen? I believe it's because He wants those who believe in Him to do so because they want to. God is love, and love is an act of the will. We choose to love or not to love someone. We are not forced to love God. We must choose to love Him. When we choose not to love Him, our eyes are blinded and we cannot see our way to God. God, if He is acknowledged at all, is not seen as one who desires, or even can have, a relationship with us. There is an absence of God in the world because the world denies that God can be He whom He reveals himself to be in the Word.

It is foolishness to think that we will ever convince the world about God through our words. We must back up our words with works. Others must see God in action in and through us before they will believe. The only hope we have of reaching the lost for Christ is to let them see love in action. We must earn the right to tell them with our mouths the wondrous truths about God's glorious light that is shining on them.

The world is blinded by sin so that the Gospel message is hidden from it. There is no understanding of it and to the world it is foolishness. The Lord sends us out into the world to be visible lights so that some may come to know Him as we do. Let your faith be seen wherever you are at in this world for the honor and glory of Christ.

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