Neh. 1:5 Then I said, “O LORD, God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of unfailing love with those who love him and obey his commands,……” NLT
This is a confession of who God is. He is the Lord God of heaven. He has no equal. He rules over all He has created. He alone knows the mysteries of creation, the things we can see, and the things we can’t see. He sees beyond the most powerful telescopes in the entire world and He sees what is in the very deepest parts of the ocean depths.
The Lord is great and awesome. There is no power that can compare to Him. There is nothing beyond His ability to do. Words are not sufficient to describe His power. Awesome is far too meek of a word. Behold the manifestation of His power in that which He has created, behold His power in redeeming grace, behold His power in sustaining grace, and stand in awe of Him.
The Lord keeps His covenant of unfailing love. He never fails to love, for He is love. His love goes far beyond our ability to comprehend. He loves those who love Him and obey His commands, but He also loves those who do not love Him back. He loves everyone even though He has to reject those who fail to love and obey Him. He knows those who reject Him and yet loves them and will love them for as long as they live.
Dear friend, don’t mess with God. Don’t shrug your shoulders and spurn His love for you. He loves you, but will not embrace you if you don’t embrace Him. He will love you to your very last breath, but if you reject Him you will find yourself spending eternity in hell. God wants to make a covenant of love with you. He wants to call you His own. If you have not returned His love, I pray that you will do that right now. Open up your heart to Him and let Him pour His love in. Don’t delay; if you wait, it may very well become too late for you.
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