Monday, February 8, 2021




Jude 25 All glory to him, who alone is God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Yes, glory, majesty, power, and authority belong to him, in the beginning, now, and forevermore. Amen. NLT

Give God the glory. He alone is able to save us. He gives us salvation through Jesus our Lord. Jesus came to earth for no other reason. He died on the cross of Calvary so that you and I could become His children.

As a young lad, I can still remember old Brother Schaeffer giving God the glory in church. I was raised in a conservative church and showing emotions in church was not the norm, except for Brother Schaeffer. We would be in worship and the Lord would bless Brother Schaeffer in a powerful way. It may be a song sung, a testimony given, or a message from the pulpit. When the Lord moved him, Brother Schaeffer would stand up, raise his arms in the air, and start walking around the church aisles. He would start saying, “Glory, Glory, Glory” as he walked. That is all he would say. When he had walked around the church pews he would return to his seat and sit down quietly. You knew he was in the Spirit, and we were too. So overwhelmed by God’s presence, he gave God the glory due His name.

God alone is worthy of our adoration and praise. He alone is glorious and majestic. He is all powerful and all authority belongs to Him. We behold all that He has created and our souls are filled with awe. He displays His glory, majesty and power through all we can see and in the things we can't see. Man is constantly discovering new things in creation that bear witness to God's indescribable glory, majesty, power, and wisdom.

God rules over all He has made; He holds it all together by the sheer power of His word. Nothing happens in creation without His knowledge and permission. He alone is able to rule over all things. He always has exercised authority over all things, and He always will. Things happen at His command and someday He will command Jesus to come to take us home to heaven. He will command the events needed to create the new heaven and earth to unfold and the transformation will begin.

Brother Schaeffer is home with his Lord and living in His glory. He is there with the multitudes who have preceded and followed him, singing the praises of the Lord whom he loved so much.

God alone is worthy of our adoration and praise. Let us praise His wondrous and holy name today and all the days of our lives. I look forward to joining Brother Schaeffer in heaven’s choir singing God’s praises for all of eternity. To God be the glory now and forever. Amen.

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