Tuesday, January 19, 2021



I John 4:17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we are like Christ here in this world. NLT

As we live in God, our love grows more perfect. The reason why so many of us do not have the kind of love flowing through us that we should have is that we are not living in God as we should and need to be. Living in God is more than talking about it. We need to be so influenced by God's presence in us that we think, feel, and act differently than we ever had before. We need to be more concerned by how we measure up to a life of holiness than we do the standards of the world. We need to mindful of what God sees in us. We need to draw our strength and life from God and not ourselves or the world.

Living in God means that we are invested in God. We faithfully involve ourselves in those things which draw us closer to God. We do not neglect our Bible reading, prayer time, fellowshipping with other believers, worshiping with other believers, or serving the Lord. Living in God means we understand the importance of keeping our relationship with Him the most important thing in life for us.

The end result of our living in God is that our capacity to love is increased and our ability to love increases. We become more and more like Christ in His love. We increasingly learn how to love the Lord more, others more, and ourselves more. As we live in love our whole outlook on life changes. We lose our attachments to this world and look forward to the coming of the Lord. We don't dread or fear God's judgment because we are becoming more and more like Christ here in this world.

Is your capacity for love and ability to love growing, or is your love for Christ and others stagnant? Jesus will refresh your soul and get the love juices flowing freely if you will let Him. Don't let sin block the flow of God's love in you.

When we live in Christ and become participants with Him in love, we have nothing to fear on Judgment Day. We will never always love like we should, but we can improve. Let the Lord have His way with your soul daily and you will be amazed at what He will do through you.

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