Heb. 12:1-2a Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge
crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that
slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let
us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by
keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. NLT
First, you are not
alone in your faith. It may seem like it
at times, but there are a lot of people just like you who have faith. They are everywhere you go. You may not know who they are, but they are
there alongside of you and surrounding you.
Don’t believe the lie of Satan that you are the only one who believes.
Since we are part of
a huge cloud of witnesses, let us get rid of everything that keeps us from
moving forward in our faith. Sin can
easily creep in and wrap itself around our souls and squeeze the life out of
us. Let us be sure that we confess all
our sins and keep our souls pure. A
sin-laded soul moves very slowly.
There are many other
things that can slow us down as well in our spiritual progress. We can get caught up into earthly concerns
and neglect our souls. We can pursue
earthly pleasures instead of feeding our souls.
We can live as if we were lord of our lives instead of Jesus. We can procrastinate on pursuing godly living
to the point where we never get it done.
We can believe the lie that there is always tomorrow to take our faith
seriously. We can get careless and fill
our minds with false teachings. We can
fail to keep our souls in shape as we go.
In order to run well
the race of life, we must be free of all the baggage that slows us down. We must be in good spiritual condition. We must never lose sight of Christ who is the
author and finisher of our salvation. A
race well run is one run with purpose and zeal.
It demands our best effort. It
demands our total focus. It demands that
we run with perseverance until we win.
There are many reasons
why people may slow down: looking around you at others instead of on your
goal—Jesus, not being in good shape (improper diet, too much food), lack of
purpose, not being in a proper frame of mind, etc.
No one who starts out
in faith can lose their faith if their faith is focused on Jesus alone. Get rid of everything that may slow you down
or distract you. Run with all you got to
win the prize, Jesus Christ our Lord.
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