Sunday, June 28, 2020


Heb. 2:1 So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.  NLT
      I suspect that most of us are not careful listeners.  We are easily distracted by the noises around us.  We are prone to let our minds wander and we fail to grasp important truths being spoken.  We filter what we hear through our own ideas and quickly dismiss those things that would challenge us to think deeply about things.  Being a good listener takes discipline and self-control.  We need to submit our thoughts to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help us stay focused.  We need to allow ample time in our lives so that we can actually hear what God wants to say to us.
       A careful listener strives to remember what he hears.  Very few people are able to retain what they hear for more than a few hours, if that much.  We need to hear truth over and over again in order for it to sink it.  In order to do that, we must faithfully be in a church where the truth is proclaimed.  We must be consistent readers and thinkers of the Word. 
      When we fail to listen to what God says in His Word, we more than likely will drift away from it.  By nature we are prone to embrace the lies of Satan.  We are easily deceived and need to protect our minds by staying in constant touch with the Word of God. 
      We are responsible for guarding our souls.  We must listen carefully to the Word and apply it to life.  We must stay grounded in the Word so that we don’t drift away from God. 
       Also, how are we going to discern truth from error other than to listen to God through His Word?  God means what He says and says what He means.  He never contradicts or nullifies what He has spoken.

       Listen very carefully to the truth from God or may drift from

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