Friday, September 13, 2019


Rom. 12:17-18 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible.   NLT
       How we respond to those who would persecute us says a lot about our relationship with God. When we have a heart that is bent on justice instead of mercy, we have sin in our hearts. In order to do what is honorable in God's eyes, we need to have a heart that wants to treat others not as they deserve, but for their good. The right thing to do is to always strive to do that which is good, regardless whether it is acknowledged, appreciated, or accepted. We can't control the thoughts and reactions of others, but we can control, with the Lord in control, our own.
       As much as is possible, we are to live in peace with everyone. It is sometimes literally impossible to be at peace with some people, but our part is to try our best to make and maintain the peace. Don't let your reactions be governed by your sinful nature or the actions and words of others. Let the Lord rule your heart and give you a heart of love and peace for everyone. Just remember, when others act in sinful ways toward you, their real problem is their problem with God, not you.  Do the right thing and pray for them. The worse it gets, the more you should pray. God's love compels us to pray for those who would do evil to us. Let others see God at work in you and not your sinful nature.
       As much as possible, live at peace with everyone; this is God’s will for you.

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