Sunday, June 9, 2019


John 12:35-36  "My light will shine out for you just a little longer.  Walk in it while you can, so you will not stumble when the darkness falls.  If you walk in the darkness, you cannot see where you are going.  Believe in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light."  NLT

       History tells us about the Dark Ages, a period of time in which most people were at their lowest, enslaved by the few.  It was a period of time that no one wants to ever go through again.  Spiritually speaking mankind has been in several Dark Ages.  We read in the Scriptures of periods of time in which wicked people ruled over God's people because they had forsaken Him.  God is merciful and raised up spiritual leaders to lead them back to Him, but it wasn't long and the cycle was repeated again. 

       In a lot of ways the Church is in the Dark Ages.  There is part of the Church that has forsaken Christ.  They no longer hold the Word of God as the authoritative voice of God over life.  Many deny that the Word is even the Word of God.  Many turn to other sources for their inspiration and guidance.  Many blatantly go against God's Word and declare it's fine because God is love and will not punish His people.

      There is coming an even worse Dark Age than mankind has ever known.  We are rapidly heading for it.  It will be a period of time in which the Church will no longer be around to squelch evil.  It will be a time in which very few people will survive spiritually.  It will be Satan's heyday on earth, but there will be an awful price to pay.  During those days God will mete out judgment on earth for the sin of mankind until the wrath of God is satisfied.  All that man knows will be destroyed and God will create a new heaven and earth.

       How long will it be before these things begin to happen?  We don't know, but we must walk in the light while the light is still shining on earth.  We must be sure that we live life God's way while we can.  We must hold in high regard God's Word and obey it.

      We must keep Christ as the head of our lives and the Church while we can.  If we don't, darkness will overcome us and we will face an eternity in hell. 

        Today is the day of salvation.  Believe while you can and serve the Lord while you can.  God is not slack concerning His promises; Judgment Day is coming for each of us and for the world we live in.

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