Thursday, April 25, 2019


Luke 12:15.21 Then he said, “Beware! Don’t be greedy for what you don’t have. Real life is not measured by how much we own. Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.”  NLT

       One of the hardest things most of us have to deal with is greed.  We live in a very materialistic world.  We are bombarded daily by the things we don’t have.  We have to constantly stand guard over our souls so we don’t confuse our wants with our needs.  We see things we don’t have and begin to think that we can’t live without them.  We measure our worth by things rather than relationships.  It’s a constant battle that we all fight.  Greed often determines the course of our lives.

      Jesus reminds us that there is much more to life than things.  Real life is measured by relationships, especially our relationship with Him.  There is nothing to gain by pursuing things and everything to lose.  If we are consumed by the things of the world, we will lose out on a relationship with the Lord.  The only thing in life that matters is the state of our souls before God.  God measures our worth by Christ not the things we own or do.

        It is utter foolishness to let things become more important to us than our relationship with Christ.  Examine yourself and determine what you are living for.  Are you longing for what you don’t have more than you are Christ?  How much time are you investing in the pursuit of earthly things compared to godly things?  If you must be driven by greed, let your greed be directed towards God and not the things of earth.

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