Tuesday, December 25, 2018


John 1:1, 14  In the beginning the Word already existed.  He was with God, and he was God.  So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us.  He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.  And we have seen his glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father.

     Jesus is eternally God.  He existed before anything came into being.  Scripture goes on to tell us that He is the creator of all things.  He not only is eternal, He is God.  Jesus came to earth as a man, yet He was God.  Why would He do such a thing?  Love.  In spite of how far away from God man had drifted, God still loved us and longed for fellowship with us.  The only way that it could happen was for there to be a way for sin to be forgiven and removed from the soul of man. 

      God created all living creatures with blood and blood was the life was in the blood.  Without blood there could be no life.  God instructed His people on how to temporarily rid themselves of their guilt and shame from their sins, blood sacrifices had to be made.  The life of animals was given so that man could find a way to have their sins covered and be spared the wrath of God.  The sacrifices were temporary fixes to an eternal problem. 

       God instituted the sacrificial system until the fullness of time had come, until Jesus would enter the human race.  The only way that Jesus could possibly die was as a human and the only way man could grasp God’s plan of salvation was for Him to become man.  Jesus, the Word, became man.  He came and showed us in a way we could understand, who God is and what He is really like.

      When we focus on Jesus, we see God our Father.  Jesus is God in the flesh.  He came so that we can have eternal life, eternal fellowship with God.  He came to make it possible for our sins to not be covered up by His shed blood, but to be washed away from God’s sight forever.  He came to be our righteousness, our holiness from God.  He came to prepare us for heaven.  He came and He is coming again, not to be our Savior, but to be our eternal Lord.  He is coming again to take all of His children home to heaven to be with Him.  Are you ready for His coming?

       The rest of the story is this:  Jesus came to be our way, truth and life.  He came to bring us together with God who loves us so much that He did what only He could do—provide a way for our salvation.  He came to give us life, and to give it more abundantly.  “Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace and goodwill to man.”

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