Friday, October 26, 2018


Ezek. 33:13  “When I tell righteous people that they will live, but then they sin,, expecting their past righteousness to save them, then none of their good deeds will be remembered. I will destroy them for their sins.”  NLT

      This truth should be branded deep into our hearts.  Far too many professing Christians think that since they are saved they are free to live as they choose to live.  They do not concern themselves with their sins.  They are forgiven and going to heaven and it doesn’t matter what is done here on earth.  How foolish to think like this!

      Our Father will not let us get away with sin.  Sin destroys the soul.  God hates it and will never let it in His presence.  Sin is what put Jesus on the cross.  Sin will be punished and all those who live in it will not be allowed into the presence of God.  It doesn’t get any simpler than that.  Don’t think for a moment that because you professed Jesus as your Savior sometime in your past that your present living doesn’t matter.  Your sin condemns you to certain death.

      Anytime we wander away from under the blood of Christ shed for us, we do so at our own peril.  All who live in Christ will be saved and all who don’t will be condemned.  How we live day by day does matter to God and it certainly should matter to us.  Don’t believe the lie that your salvation gives you the freedom to live as you choose, even if it is a life of sin.  Grace does not excuse us.  God will never violate His holiness.  All sin will be accounted for and punished.

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