Sunday, January 28, 2018


Ps. 100:3 Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

     To acknowledge that the Lord is God is to recognize and accept that God is in control of all things. He is actively ruling over all creation. He is beyond our comprehension or understanding. He is absolute goodness in all things which are good. He is absolute holiness incapable of having sin in His presence. He is unchangeable and eternal. He is capable of doing all things He has revealed He has done. He is not limited in His knowledge and power. He is love personified and has taken an invested interest in us. He created us with a need for fellowship with Him that can only be fulfilled by Him. The Lord, He is God!

     We are not who we are by some random act of nature. The Lord has made us who we are--a people capable of having a spiritual relationship with Him. He has made us differently than any other created life on earth. We are spiritual beings encased in fleshly bodies who will live eternally. We are made in the image of God.

     We are His when we accept the life we have been created to have in Him. Sin prevents us from being who we were created to be, but the Lord does away with sin. We become His people when we submit to Him, confess our sin to Him, acknowledge Him as the only one who can take away our sin, and commit ourselves to living in relationship with Him. We become His people, a people who reflect His character in all that we do.

     We are the sheep of His pasture, a people who rely on Him for guidance and our daily food. We are a people who are content to rest in His loving care and trust Him to always treat us well.

     Is the Lord God for you today? Can you say with joy in your heart that you are His? Are you resting in His care for you, trusting in His goodness and love? Are you?

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