Ps. 36:1-4 Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts.
They have no fear of God to restrain them. In their blind conceit, they cannot
see how wicked they really are. Everything they say is crooked and deceitful.
They refuse to act wisely or do what is good. They lie awake at night, hatching
sinful plots. Their course of action is never good. They make no attempt to
turn from evil.
These verses tells it
like it is. When sin controls the heart, there is no fear of God to constrain
the soul from sinning. The more into sin we are, the less fear of God we have.
Think about it for a moment. Isn't this true? When you sin, are you thinking
about God? Are you concerned about the fact that you are being watched and
judged by a holy God? If you are a child of God, guilt and shame come
afterwards, not while you are indulging in sin. If you are not a child of God,
then everything you do is sinful. You are not capable of pleasing God. You are
not concerned about what God thinks.
When God enters into
the picture and begins to reveal himself as holy to us, we begin to take
seriously our sin. We begin to acknowledge and accept the fact that God is holy
and will not accept us in our sin. The Lord will not let His children live in
peace when they fall into sin. Listen to God when you do not have peace in your
soul. Understand that sin is the culprit. Seek God's face and let Him reveal
your sin to you so you can deal with Christ about it.
It is never a good thing
when we let sin lie within our hearts. It only breeds more sin and the more sin
we have, the more we lose contact with the Lord. Be warned: Sin leads to the
death of the soul. It robs us of the fear of God. It robs us of peace with God.
It robs us of the blessings of God that are ours in Christ Jesus.
Do you have any
unconfessed sin in your heart that you need to deal with today?
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