Sam. 24:6 “The LORD knows I shouldn’t
have done it,” he said to his men. “It
is a serious thing to attack the LORD’s anointed one, for the LORD himself has
chosen him.”
David had such a high regard for the
man, King Saul, whom God had anointed to be king over Israel. David had a sense that it was wrong to take
lightly those whom the Lord had chosen and appointed to a task. There needs to be a much higher regard for
the offices of our spiritual leaders than most of us have these days. We treat as mundane and insignificant those
who rule over us. There are many reasons
why this is true.
When God calls and places people into
positions of leadership, it is no small thing.
Many do not regard their role in the church as a high calling. They do not honor it by the way they conduct
themselves. They aspire to be served
rather than to serve. They do not spend
the time in the Word and prayer they need to in order to keep their hearts pure
and humble before God. They consider
their position as more of a job than a calling to serve. They get careless and do not set a good
example to follow. They use their
position for personal gain or to stroke their egos. They get too comfortable in their roles and
lose the sense of appreciation for what God has given them to do. They become more concerned about pleasing
people than pleasing God. They develop
weak spines and cater to the whims of people.
They get so busy with busyness that they do not diligently study to show
themselves approved of God.
I believe that if we were to be more
like David and held a higher regard for the office God has placed us in that a
lot of things would change in the Church.
It is a privilege to be allowed to serve the Lord in the Church. Our attitude about what we do reflects on our
relationship with God. Regardless of
what you have been given to do, do it with all your heart as unto the
Lord. Offer yourself as a living
sacrifice unto Him. Do what you do as an
act of worship. Serving the Lord is such
an honor. When we treat it lightly, the
Lord knows and will hold us accountable for it.
And, be sure to express appreciation for
your godly leaders and teachers. Those
who represent and serve God well need encouragement. They need to know that their labors in the
Lord are not in vain. Pray for them
often that their hearts will remain humble and pure. Ask the Lord to bless their ministries with
souls saved, edified, and discipled.
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