Tuesday, October 25, 2016


II Pet. 1:5 So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life. Then your faith will produce a life of moral excellence. A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better.

God’s promises don’t do us any good at all if they are not applied to life. We will benefit from them only to the extent that we apply them. God’s Word is always true and helpful, but only if we put forth the effort to let it work in us. When God’s promises fail to work for us the problem lies within us and not His Word.

When God’s promises are allowed to work in us, then our faith grows and we become the people of holiness God created us to be. Moral excellence is not achieved by accident. It comes from diligently applying God’s Word to our lives. The more we live by the Word, the more the Word lives in us. We become what we feast on. Achieving moral excellence is not an option for the believer; it’s God’s will and command for us.

When we get our hearts right with God, then we soon discover we get to know God better. The more we grow in faith, the more we understand the workings of God in us and through us. It’s a never ending discovery. It’s a process that we are so privileged to be a part of. God wants us to know more and more about Him. He wants us to enjoy Him more and more. He wants us to discover all that He desires to do in us and through us.

God wants these things for us, but He won’t make it happen for us without our willingness to make it happen. We must do our part and put into practice His promises. We must set our hearts on things above before the things above can become a part of us.

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