Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Isaiah 45:18 God is, and there is no other.

Is. 45:18  For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place.  He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos.  “I am the LORD,” he says, “and there is no other.”

The world tries very hard to get us to believe that God did not create what is, that it all somehow evolved and came into being by accident.  But, God did create it all.  In order to not believe in God as the Creator of all things one must deny that the Biblical record is true.  The proofs of God creating all that is is self-evident for those who have eyes to see them.  Not only did He create all things, God put everything in its place and told them to stay there.  Nothing is out of order in creation.  Everything can be counted on to be exactly where it’s supposed to be; in fact, our very existence depends on it.

Man is constantly trying to find other places in the universe that can sustain life as we know it, but to no avail.  God made the world we live in to be inhabitable.  Everything that makes up our world runs smoothly because God designed it and set it in motion.  Life is sustainable on earth because every part of it is interdependable.  There is nothing on earth that is not important for the sustainabilty of life.  We don’t know how everything perfectly fits together, but God does.  The more we discover about the mechanisms of life, the more in awe we become of what God has done.

The darkened soul fails to see and appreciate the hand of God in creation and life.  He is not capable of putting God into the mix and worshipping Him.  Instead, because nothing makes sense to him, he does his best to deny the very God who created him.  Sin prevents God from shining in.  Many set out to prove that God is not and life has no purpose other than the moments we are in.  Without the Lord, there is no hope of understanding the world we live in and our place in the universe.  All understanding of God begins at Calvary.

Jesus removes the darkness of the soul that sin causes.  He opens up the eyes so that we can see God.  In Christ we are able to grasp that God is and there is none beside Him.  In Christ, God becomes real and personal.  We discover that God is more than an explanation for life, He is life itself.  God becomes one whom we can have a relationship with and not just an entity that exists apart from human experience.  In Christ everything comes together and begins to make perfect sense.  We discover that it is okay to not have a reasonable explanation for everything, that what we don’t get we can accept as truth by faith because God is and has declared it to be so.

If you don’t know that God is and that He is yours, there may never be another chance for you to get to know Him than right now.  By faith, reach out to Him and He will take your hand.  Admit your sins, accept responsibility for them, confess them, ask the Lord to forgive you, and He will.  You can know God is from personal experience right now.  Don’t put it off.  You may never be given another opportunity to do so. 

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