Sunday, December 29, 2013

How much is Christ worth to you?

Phil. 3:8-9  Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I may have Christ and become one with him.  I no longer count on my own goodness or ability.

Everything for the believer must be worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ.  However, I fear that it simply is not the case for most of us.  So often we value our relationship with Christ a lot less than we do other things.  We may say otherwise, but in practice, it is so.  We cherish so many things and people.  We built our lives around them.  We cling to them.  We treat them as if indeed they are more valuable to us than Christ is.  Think about your life.  What do you give more value to in practice than you do Christ in your life?

To know Christ must be our driving force in life.  No one or nothing can help get us home to heaven except Christ.  To know Christ is not the same as knowing about Him.  To know Christ means that we know what it is to experience His forgiveness and acceptance as His own.  To know Christ means that we are being transformed into a holy people.  You cannot know Christ and not be changed into a godly person.  To know Christ is to know what it is like to be loved unconditionally and sacrificially.  It is to live a life knowing that you are loved and acting like it.

We need to grasp the fact that our relationship with Christ is the only real thing that matters in life.  Everything else must fall in line behind Him.  Jesus is THE way to heaven, the truth of heaven, the life of heaven.  No one will ever approach our Father in heaven without Him.  His place in our lives reflects how we really feel about Him.  Your pursuit of Him will determine not only the kind of life you live now, but the kind of life you will live eternally.

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