Friday, February 21, 2025




Phil. 2:3-4 Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. NLT

It is so hard to not look out for ourselves first. It is the natural thing for us to do. We are self-conscious and self-centered. There is nothing wrong with taking responsibility for our care and protecting ourselves from harm, but we so often let our need for well-being go to our heads. We tend to want to impress others because it draws attention to us. We like to be thought well of; it strokes our egos. Some of us like it so well that it becomes all we live for.

Instead of being so conscious of ourselves, we ought to think of others and their needs in life. If we are focused on others, we are less interested in ourselves. When we put the needs of others before our own, we are living humbly before God.

We will always need to take care of our personal needs, but we need to balance it with an involvement in the needs of others. Jesus exemplified it best when He refused to not go to the cross for us. He understood that it was His right as God to bypass the cross and go straight home to heaven, but He didn't do that because He knew we needed a Savior and the cross was the only way it was going to happen.

You may very well be the person someone needs to see them through some rough time in their life. You may be the one to give them hope and help. You can't save them, but you can perhaps be used by the Lord to rescue them. It will only happen if you get involved in others' lives and not just your own.

Who needs your loving care today? Someone needs a thoughtful word, an act of kindness, some encouragement from you today. You could very well make all the difference in the world in someone’s life today. Will you do it?

Thursday, February 20, 2025




Phil. 2:3-4 Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don’t think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. NLT

Selfishness is something that all of us struggle with and must never let down our guard on. We are driven to be liked. We want to make ourselves look good to others. We often distort who we really are like in order to be liked. We like to be the center of attention and have others stroke our egos.

However, God wants us to break out of our mold and think differently about things. We need to humble ourselves before God and get rid of our selfishness. A much better way to live before God is to put others first. A genuine interest in others pleases God.

We need to take an interest in what is going on in other people’s lives. We need to learn how they are doing in life and faith. We need to come alongside those who are struggling with faith, health, emotional and marital issues to help them if we can. We need to get outside of ourselves and into the lives of others. God did it for us, and it’s the least we can do for Him.

If you struggle with getting involved in other people’s lives, ask the Lord to change your heart. Ask Him to give you a loving and caring heart. We are to carry each other’s burdens and not just our own. We all need loving and caring people in our lives. Someone you know needs you to step into their personal life with love today.

Don’t be selfish. The world does not revolve around you. You are not all that big of a deal. You cannot go it alone and leave others out of your life and be content and happy. You need to reach out to others and get involved in their lives. They need you and you need them.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025




Phil. 2:1-2 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose. NLT

Would anything be different in your church if these verses were to actually be put into practice? If everyone were to strive to wholeheartedly get along and love each other, would changes need to be made? If everyone were to work together as one in heart and purpose, would anything be different?

We call the Church the family of God, but from what I have seen, I would have to call her a dysfunctional family. There is little real love and kinship amongst church members, both locally and beyond. The Church is more of a divided church than she is one church. We often look with suspicion upon one another and let our differences in understandings keep us away from each other. We give lip service to our togetherness in Christ. We are quick to criticize and slow to encourage. We get into our own little holy huddles and think that we are justified in doing so. There will be no labels to separate us in heaven, yet we think it is so necessary here on earth.

Let us take to heart Paul's admonishment. Let us strive to act like we are a healthy family instead of a dysfunctional one. Let us not be quick to shun others just because they may think and express themselves differently than we do. Let us strive to live in harmony with other believers for the sake of Christ. Let us work together wholeheartedly to the glory of Christ. Let us learn the valuable lesson of life; it's all about Jesus and not about us.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025




Phil. 2:1-2 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose. NLT

Paul was very strong on Christian unity. He made it very clear that believers need to strive always to get along with each other. He did not let the church get by with proclaiming brotherly love and not showing it.

Our relationship with Christ should affect all of our relationships. If we are right with God, we will live righteously with each other. We don’t have to agree with each other on all things in order to live harmoniously with each other and to work together for God’s glory.

The Lord has but one agenda, to reach out to the world in love that souls may be saved and sanctified in Him. We who are His children should likewise have the same goal. If we have any other agenda, we are not living in the will of God for His Church.

The love of God binds us together as one that we may be one in heart and purpose. Sin is the root cause of all dissensions and divisions in the Church. It is imperative that as much as it is possible to do, that we set aside our differences and come together in love so that we can be an effective witness for Christ in the world. As long as each church fellowship has her own agenda, the cause of Christ suffers. We are not competitors; we are co-laborers with Christ in the world.

If you find yourself having a hard time working together with other believers in the harvest field, ask the Lord to change your heart towards them. Ask the Lord to give you a focus on the harvest field instead of your personal agenda.

Let’s be blunt and honest; we want OUR church to grow and be the best in town. We want people to come to our church. We think we have the best message and program around. We think we are right on doctrinal issues and others are wrong. We would prefer that people we invite to church come to our church.

Yet, our church may not be the best church for a seeking soul. The programs and ministries we offer may not be what someone needs. Another church may have more social opportunities for someone than our church does.

What is more important, padding our church roll or seeing someone in a church where they can be nurtured and grow in Christ? Why don’t we suggest to others that they may find a better fit in another church?

Be an example for others to follow and be one with Christ in His efforts to reach the world with the Gospel message that as many souls as possible might be saved. Seek to bring others to Christ and send them to a church where they can become holy in Christ.

Monday, February 17, 2025




Phil. 1:27 But whatever happens to me, you must live in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ, as citizens of heaven. NLT

The Apostle Paul had a very deep concern for people. He knew the importance of living a life that reflected well Christ in the world. He strove to live it himself and then he strove to motivate others to live it. All of his writings pointed to a deeper, godlier life in Christ. Paul insisted that life in Christ was more than mere words we proclaim, it is a life that was similar to Christ's in purity and holiness. Paul was not ashamed to be counted amongst those who lived a godly life. He never apologized for his godliness, nor did he try to hide it. He valued it so highly that he took whatever others could dish out to him and counted it an honor to do so for the sake of Christ.

Are you living in a manner worthy of the life of Christ in you? Are you living like a citizen of heaven, earth, or maybe something in-between? Only those who live like citizens of heaven will qualify for heaven.

Any life that brings shame to Christ is not worthy to be called by His name. There is no greater honor or privilege on earth than to live a godly life. So, why is it that so many of us seemingly aren't too concerned with how well we live godly lives? I don't think God is too amused by how many of us live.

Be honest. Are you living a life worthy of Christ’s name? You bring dishonor to Him if you call yourself His child and don’t live like His child. It is a great disservice to the cause of Christ when professing believers act and talk like non-believers do.

Let us strive to live each day in a manner worthy of Christ in us. Let us strive to raise the bar of holiness in us. Let us endeavor to never let the Lord be ashamed to call us His own.

Sunday, February 16, 2025




Phil. 1:20 For I live in eager expectation and hope that I will never do anything that causes me shame, but that I will always be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past, and that my life will always honor Christ, whether I live or I die. NLT

I don’t believe most of us can make a statement like this. Most of us do not expect to never do anything that would cause us to be ashamed. We are not confident enough in our righteousness to believe that we could ever do it. From experience we know that we mess up, that we sin. We seldom get to the point where we actually believe that we will be strong enough to not sin. Yet, Paul believed it was possible and he was not afraid to go out on a limb and proclaim it.

Paul expected to always be a bold witness for Christ. He based his hope on the fact that it was true of him in the past and he saw no reason why it would change. His passion for Christ was so strong that he simply couldn’t hold it in. He had to be a witness for Him. We should strive to be like Paul. Our love for Christ should compel us to be bold witnesses for Him. If we are not witnesses for Him, then perhaps we better re-evaluate our standing before God. We are bold witnesses for those things which excite us.

Paul’s passion was to always honor Christ, whether in life or death. It should be the passion of every believer’s heart. Do you honor Christ in your living? If you do, you certainly will honor Him in your death. Our expectation should always be that we would live honorable lives before God in Christ. Let us leave no doubt as to whom we are living for by the way we live our lives. In all things, honor the Lord in word and deed.

Saturday, February 15, 2025




Phil. 1:11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation--those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ--for this will bring much glory and praise to God. NLT

What a great way to pray for one another! We all should be filled with the fruit of our salvation. We should all be growing and becoming like Christ in His righteousness and holiness. We should be growing in our ability to love others with godly love. We should be more gracious and forgiving towards others. Goodness should characterize our lives, all for the glory and praise of God.

The good things that are produced in us when Jesus is our Lord are those things that flow from the heart and character of God. It is good when we get rid of our sinful characteristics and put on godly characteristics. Instead of letting ourselves be dragged down by sin, we let Christ lift us up by His righteousness. We treat others with love, mercy and grace. We are quick to forgive and slow to harbor bitter or ill feelings towards others. We act in ways that will bring Christ glory and honor. We do our best to honor the Lord in what we do and how we do it.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us would pray for each other in this way and mean it? It would resolve a lot of dissension in the Church. We need to pray this prayer over one another. There is no reason for us to not want each other to be more like Christ in what we do and say. If you care about those whom the Lord cares about, you will join me in praying this prayer over the body of Christ in general and the church family you are a part of.

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation--those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ--for this will bring much glory and praise to God.”

Lord, we pray this prayer for the Church worldwide and for the church we are a part of. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”